Blaze and Jackamani clematis

Harleysville, PA

Blaze and 2nd year for Jackamani clematis

This message was edited Jun 16, 2009 8:26 AM

Thumbnail by jess2132000
Appleton, WI

Beautiful combo, Jess!

Delaware, OH

very nice. jackmanii more than any clem needs to be planted with something that fills in the gappiness in the inital part of the bloom period. as the pedicels open more buds the gappiness is less a factor. this looks smashing with the white trellis, it is gorgeous. just really really perfect. well done. what a great display. i need a better cli stylmbinge rose with my jackmanii.

Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)


I've been looking for a climbing rose, is Blaze the name of your rose?

I love that combo, almost looks like a heart.


Delaware, OH

i am going to look for blaze too janet

Appleton, WI

Help Me Find lists Blaze as 6b.

Willis, TX(Zone 8b) fav is companioning roses with clematis..well done...Jeanne

Harleysville, PA

Thanks guys I love my Blaze but aftert he spring flush she does not put out as many flowers so that is why I put the clematis with it. Blaze still reblooms nicely in July and August but hoping the clematis does the same!!

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Roses are like Clematis..they are both heavy feeders..try fertilizing and using Alfalfa Tea...the tea causes more basal breaks which = more blooms...Jeanne

Troy, NY(Zone 5b)

That is why I started with clematis this year. I wanted to grow them with my climbing roses. I planted polish spirit with new dawn (saw it in a catalogue and loved the look) now I have clematis with the roses, between the roses and anywhere else I can put them. I plan on ordering Fair Rosamond this fall to plant with my blaze. I think it will be an amazing combo.

This message was edited Jun 16, 2009 9:31 PM

Thumbnail by bookreader451
Troy, NY(Zone 5b)

I was worried about the zone on Blaze too but my mom grew them in the 60's in zone 5 so I think with winter protection they should be fine.

Delaware, OH

fair rosamond is so pretty. i don't have that clem, missed the boat. will have to hop on.

what type of winter protection do you give the roses? i did the compost mountain about a foot high last year in the center of the rose plant, still lost some. may have to think about other protection this year ....what do you use?

Troy, NY(Zone 5b)

I use the soil mound and I cage them and cover with straw. I know some of my minis are zone 6 but they all came through the winter and are going gangbusters.

With Blaze I also plan to cover the trellis with pine boughs to protect the canes from wind dessication. My blaze is new this year so we'll see how it really does winter over.

I do the same for the hydrangea and my blooms this year are amazing. I don't want to risk the blooms on old growth so it is worth the effort to protect. The only one that had complete dieback was the tiny one I threw in at the end of the season.

Delaware, OH

thanks bookreader. i am thinking of using some cheesecloth if i can get bolts of it for a few plants. if i did this on the roses would put the mound of compost in the center again. the boughs are a good idea too. would have to get them as i probably have already tidyied up all my evergreens and taken the boughs to the compost place to be chopped up.
am thinking of winding cheesecloth around 2 or 3 times and stapling.

Troy, NY(Zone 5b)

Burlap is more durable. I used that last year and it was great. I just hate literally sewing burlap tubes in the cold so this year I am only using chickenwire (I may wrap the chicken wire with the burlap on the hydrangeas. The roses are fine buried in the straw.

Delaware, OH

where do you get the burlap? how dormant is the pant when you put it on?
i like this idea. cheesecloth too flimsey as i think of it and think about burlap.

could staple the burlap into cylinder around the plant? i could do my duchess of e also.

is there anyway this is bad for the plant in terms of light and water?

Appleton, WI

You can get small rolls of burlap at garden centers, but it might be cheaper to buy from a fabric store like Joann Fabrics or Hancock fabrics. There are also a lot of online fabric dealers that sell in bulk, so buying a bolt online might be cheaper including shipping, than buying retail.

Delaware, OH

thx , checking feed store too and some folks i know that have horses. maybe they have them stockpiled!

Troy, NY(Zone 5b)

I got the burlap at a fabric store. You could probably staple. I just sewed it up with a big needle and dental floss.

I waited until the leaves were pretty much gone and the ground was frozen. I think it was late Nov or early December. burlap will allow water in and out but since I stuffed it with straw I am sure not much light got in. I removed the hydrangea wrapping in late March and the roses were not unburied until early April (they were babies). The hydrangea were a pile of sticks and I was sure I lost them. I went to FL in late March and when I got home the beginning of April there were new leaves already. They took off like crazy after that.

Delaware, OH

hydranges do well here without protection. so i am thinking for the roses and some p1 clems

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