Suitable climber

Tokyo, Japan(Zone 10a)

I'm looking for a climber to go against the south facing wall of my house. Very hot sunny position. Soil is a sandy loam pH 6 and well drained. Preferably perennial and not too invasive, Fragrant would be nice! Honey suckle? or are there others? Maybe something a little
easer on the trellis.

Thanks pajonica

San Diego, CA(Zone 10b)

Honeysuckle will suffer in a very hot sunny position, I wouldn't recommend it for your situation. How about Bougainvillea?

Tokyo, Japan(Zone 10a)

My god man that was Quick! I was thinking bed time in your part of the world? Not familiar with Bougainvillea so I'll
do some research. Many thanks.

: pajonica

Tokyo, Japan(Zone 10a)

O wow! Yes I have seen this climber in the mediterranean and in Brasil. God I hadn't even considered it,. It's one of those plants that you admire when travelling abroad and somehow never thought you could grow this in your own garden.
As a UK expat I'm still in UK mode but the climate here is so very different! I have so much to learn about gardening in a foreign climate, and language!

Hey thanks my friend.

San Diego, CA(Zone 10b)

Pajonica, anytime! A hot sunny location is what most flowering vines enjoy, so there are tons of options out there for you. Just make sure you do your research first! How much rain do you get there?

Tokyo, Japan(Zone 10a)

Good question! This is quite a wet oceanic climate with two rainy seasons, 2nd half of June and more in September.
Summer is hot and humid with temps up to 100 F- 38.5 C. From the little research I have done so far I understand
these plants like it on the dry side. However the location at the back of my house remains quite dry for the best part,
due to the overhang of the roof, the sandy soil is very quick to drain as well. The yard is well sheltered during the winter
and never gets frost close to the house. What do you think?



San Diego, CA(Zone 10b)

It's a common misconception that Bougies like it on the dry side. Yes, mature plants will tolerate lack of water very well, but any bougie will enjoy being watered until completely established!

Tokyo, Japan(Zone 10a)

Thanks robcorria! I have decided to give one a try. All that remains is to locate a nursery here that has them. I need to find
out the Japanese common name for them as English or Latin names are rarely used here. What would be the best time to plant?


San Diego, CA(Zone 10b)

Late spring is the perfect time. Good luck!

Tokyo, Japan(Zone 10a)

I have to wait a whole year! Still it gives me time to locate a supplier and do more research.
A very big warm thanks for taking the time to share your knowledge.

Sincerely pajonica


San Diego, CA(Zone 10b)

Jon, my pleasure to help!
I forgot you are in the southern hemisphere. Yes, bougies are tropical vines and they need warm weather for a good head start. In the meantime, if you don't get frost, you can plant all kinds of other vines that do well with fall planting. Are you familiar with clematis? I suggest you do more research and I hope you get "addicted" to vines like I did, ahaha!

If you have any questions, feel free to dmail me.

Have fun!


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