Happy Birthday WeedWoman!

london England, United Kingdom

Happy Birthday Sue, Have a great day!

Thumbnail by terriculture
Robertstown, Australia(Zone 10a)

Happy Birthday to Sue! Have too much FUN! LOL! KK.

barmera, Australia

Hi Weedwoman. Hope you have a wonderful birthday. Colleen

Merino, Australia

A very happy birthday Sue. I do hope lots of new plants arrive for you.

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Coffs Harbour, Australia

Hi All, thanks very much! One more year of my 30's to go! Next year will be the big one for me. When will I start to feel like a grown up? he he
Not doing much to celebrate, being mid-week, but we had a bonfire with friends last weekend. I've been getting pressies in dribs and drabs for a week now, and they include 2 broms, a large peice of frost cloth, handmade chocolates, a handmade glass cast (beautiful) and many well wishes! I also cut myself some flowers today to brighten up the house! The fire is on, I'm waiting for some visitors and I'm having chinese take out for tea! Even my hubby will be home for a couple of hours!
Thanks again, especially you Terri! You always remember and know how to make it special!

Thumbnail by weed_woman
se qld, Australia

Happy birthday Sue. So next year's the big one, hey? And no, you don't have to grow up after 40. lol

Barmera, Australia

Happy Birthday Weed_ Woman and just to cheer you up, after forty they go twice as fast.

Sydney, Australia

Happy Birthday Sue!
Don't listen to Stake. He is wrong. They actually go thrice as fast!!!!

townsville, Australia

This mongrel flu I have has caused me to miss your birthday I am so sorry, I hope you had a wonderful day and got lots of nice pressies and got spoilt rotten.

Thumbnail by shelly61

Ohhh Noooo! I missed your birthday? (so sorry I was doing stuff for hubby all day yesterday)
***Happy Belated Birthday Sue*** :)

I am so glad it was a great day for you ...and you start to grow up around 60'sh ...so you have lots of time left yet!
I am raising my cup for a big cheer! here's looking at you kid!
Hip Hip Hooray!
x x x

western sydney nsw, Australia

Oh I missed your birthday Hope you had a good one a late HAPPY BIRTHDAY and many more to come I have not grown up yet I think thate starts when you turn 80 .------------Sammut.

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Thanks you lot! Today is actually more enjoyable than yesterday, so I'm pretending its my birthday again, and if tomorrow is any good, I'll pretend its my birthday then too. I didn't have any cake, which was weird, but hubby swears he will spoil me on the weekend by being my slave! I said as long as he intends it for the garden and not the bedroom, as I have more things in the garden that I want help with. he he.
Now that I'm so close to 40, I feel I need a nanny nap! Is this normal?

townsville, Australia

Yes Sue this is normal lol. enjoy your nap.

el arish, FNQ, Australia

Happy Birthday Sue!!!!!!!! XXOOOXXOO Ann

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Thanks Anne. Send me some warmth and sunshine please!

Inland S.E QLD , Australia

Sue,Sorry I missed your birthday.I hope you had a really wonderful day and were spoiled rotten...you deserve it. BTW you are still only a baby at 39....enjoy!!

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Thanks Judy. I went shopping today and bought a 'boyfriend cardigan' and soft woolen knitted skivvy to wear under, and 20 balls of wool to play with. I told hubby that it was my birthday present from him, and used his money to pay for it all! he he.
I'm off to a friends 50th tonight (cold, wet and wild here, the weather that is) and yes, I am always the baby wherever I go! Just ahead of my time, or overly mature I guess! He he.

Alstonville, Australia

Hi Sue, Hope you had a lovely birthday. Gosh your only a baby, wait till you get to 55, I hope I'm still around!! Looked at a lovely home yesterday in Alstonville, made an offer, fingers crossed.
This is the view from our rental, the golf course, could be worse!! Raining here in Ballina also, washing is piling up and getting on each others nerves!!!
Have a great day all.

Thumbnail by hel
Coffs Harbour, Australia

Well Hel, if you have to be in a rental, you couldn't ask for a better view! Wow, that was quick in finding a house. I hope you are successful with your offer. That would mean being able to get settled sooner!
Still raining here today. Was supposed to go with camera club to a photo rally at Begonia park in Sawtell, where we would have been given a disposable camera and a list of items to photograoh. thenm they get developed and we all compare the different shots. It would have been great, but called oof of course because of the foul weather! Boo!
I went to the movies instead and saw 'Hangover' very crude and funny! Then coffee and cake at Gloria Jeans. Hopefully it stops raining soon, or I'm going to get as big as a house!

Brisbane, Australia

Sue, Happy Birthday Belatedly!!
(I've not been keeping up with everything!!) Hope you had a great day & that the weather didn't stop you from getting out into the garden.
At least you'll have some wool to entertain you!
All the best for a fun year ahead!
Regards, Leisa.

Alstonville, Australia

Hi Sue, It is pissing down rain here and thunder. The golf course looks like it's going to flood & of course we are opposite the dam!!!! Sounds like your weather hasn't been any better. There is a Brom in a pot left here, will get a photo & send when the rain stops. May have to take it with us!!! as if I havn't got enough plant to cart everwhere.
This pic looks like the Beverly Hillbillys.
Take care

Thumbnail by hel
Magnetic Island, Australia(Zone 11)

Happy ,happy birthday...hope the slave did lots of garden work for you:))))))))

Beautiful,tropical 27°,I'll send some down to you :))))))

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Thanks leisa, I'm working out how to make crochetted frangipanis, as I want to make up some cushions for the girls this xmas. Its a bit tricky, but I've managed to turn out one that looks quite good. The others look like daisies, but still nice. Once I put a twist in the petals that did the trick!
Hel, lucky you to get a freebee, and yes, your trailer does look like the Beverly Hill Billys, just needs a rocking chair with you in it! he he. Still wet here, over 200mm on the weekend! Can't go out without my gummies on!
Thanks Mya, no garden slave for me! He would have to have webbed feet! Looking forward to your warm, dry weather gift! When can I expect it?

Alstonville, Australia

Hi Sue, very sorry about your weather, it is no better here. We had one week of good weather when we moved in. awfull ever since. I guess you are no better down there, from what I am seeing on the weather forcast's it is lousey there to
Take Care. Last pic of my girl's.

Thumbnail by hel
Coffs Harbour, Australia

Good news hel, we had a sunny day! *gasp*
Its still really mucky out though, but pulling weeds was easier, and I've dug out a clump of flax and a hibiscus with ease.
Anyone wanting flax, its FREE, but you have to pick it up at Moonee. Dmail me. (you wait, someone will Dmail me in a year and ask me if I still have it!)
I saw a sign down the shops advertising a car boot sale on the last saturday of the month! I reckon I might take a few plants and some second hand stuff for a drive. I haven't got anything planned, and what a way to get a bit of money together.
Hope the weather clears for you Hel.
Catch up with you soon

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