Florida tall bearded iris

Has anyone ever heard of Florida Iris ? My neighbor brought me some today and she said the name was florida tall bearded iris. They are yellow and as tall as a person. However she cut them off to bring them home. So unfortunately no blooms on them.

Robertsville, MO(Zone 5b)

I want to say yes, but I am not sure of the species.

Lebanon, OR

More than likely Iris Pseuderous which in many states is listed as invasive and I have seen on the water ways in Miami


Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Does it have pbf? ( purple based foliage)

Thumbnail by mittsy
Robertsville, MO(Zone 5b)

? ??? Dee might know.

Green based foliage all the way up. She cut them off but said they get 4-5 ft.tall and huge blooms. The rhyzones ars huge. (i don't know if I spelled that right) But really BIG tubers to plant. LONG roots hanging from them. She just kept impressing they get 4-5 ft. tall with huge yellow bearded blooms.

Lebanon, OR

the more you talk about them the more it does sound like pseuderous because they can get if they are near waterways 5-6' here and have huge rhizomes lots of roots. If it were me, I would plant it in a pot NO WHERE near any WATER...but in OR and WA we are very protective and not getting near water. Near the hospital here we have a waterway they have had to dredge 2-3 times in 10 years because they grow together and cause damage big time, near Mt St Helens in WA they have dredged, dredged trying to rid of water ways. If you do keep it, once they bloom cut the seed pods off and BURN them...to NOT let them go the the land fill. This is not even a native plant of USA>

Many reasonable people have them in their gardens but you must understand they make sure the seeds never develope and they make sure that when they destory they will never germinate.


Lebanon, OR

this link might help you understand alot if this is what it is and the problem Florida (like other states) have with it.



OOOWWWWW! That is not good. Kinda sounds like a monster.

Lebanon, OR

For us it is, I either burn my few seed pods or give them in a plastic bag to the ag inspector as she knows all the plants I have here and knows I do not sale, give or trade them, if they are listed on any list anywhere...

We, in the USA are having alot of trouble with invasive plants that are NOT native to us...


I'll have to find out for sure and will be very careful until I do. Thank you very much for All the info.

Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

What confuses me is the Bearded designation. Pseudocarus isn't bearded.

Thumbnail by mittsy

It may not be bearded, she said that she thought it was . A lady she works with gave them to her and she got a box full for me. Mittsy, I'll send you one and you see what it is when it blooms again. I'll send it out monday.

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

Definitely not bearded, but Iris pseudacorus is very common in Fla., so I suppose it could be called that. Someone is even selling it on ebay. How irresposible.

Here's a list of some irises that are native or well populated in Fla.


Hold the iris leaf up to the light, with the light shining behind it, and see if it has little cross lines. If so that indicates it's a water iris, and not a bearded.

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