Looking for "Bee Balm"

Cullman, AL(Zone 7a)

I have just discovered Monarda Didyma, "bee balm", on the web and in my garden books. One cultivar is a beautiful red flower that is supposed to do well in light shade. I have ALL KINDS of SHADE! Would love to trade for seeds or will SASE. Please look at my list here at Dave's to see if I have anything that you might want on my very limited list. I know you guys can come through for me. Thanks!

Westbrook, ME(Zone 5a)

Hi Doris,
I have bee balm in 3 colors. White, purple, and pink. I'll trade for some moon vine seeds. If your interested let me know

Cullman, AL(Zone 7a)

Very definitely interested. Sending you Email.
Thanks! Doris

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