Cottage Garden Seed Swap & Chat #37

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Just think Cheles.. You have a whoel new pallet to paitn with flower sand design . I sure it gonan be beautiful when ya eventually get it doen oen day the way ya like. ...

Edmond, OK(Zone 7a)

i know star - that's what i keep telling myself. ^_^

Mount Laurel, NJ(Zone 7a)

Calendula ‘lemon beauty’(from seandor). I have them in a pot and they have been blooming away, very bright and cheery :)

Thumbnail by wind
Mount Laurel, NJ(Zone 7a)

Snaps (from Star)

Thumbnail by wind
Mount Laurel, NJ(Zone 7a)

Dwarf Snapdragon, Fairy Snapdragon, Malling Toadflax
Chaenorhinum origanifolium 'Summer Skies' (from Suzy's swap, started blooming this year in May and are still blooming now!)

Thumbnail by wind
Mount Laurel, NJ(Zone 7a)

Basil ‘blue spice’ (from Danita)

Foreground: Critter's Italian basil

Thumbnail by wind
Mount Laurel, NJ(Zone 7a)

Salvia Yvonne’s (from heavinscent)

Nicotiana and mom's Naughty Marietta marigolds

edited to add: the Nicotiana came from Suzy's swap :) Nicotiana sanderae ‘sensation’ (from rachierabbit)

This message was edited Jul 26, 2009 11:49 AM

Thumbnail by wind
Mount Laurel, NJ(Zone 7a)

Chocolate Cherry tomatoes (from Critter)

Thumbnail by wind
Mount Laurel, NJ(Zone 7a)

LeBug, this is blooming....I think the seeds came from you a few swaps ago. Do you recognize it and know what it is? I can't find it in my notes. I have it in with pink phlox and it's really pretty, especially up close.

Thumbnail by wind
Mount Laurel, NJ(Zone 7a)

OMG just realized the photo is so horrible...sorry :))) I have another photo, but it's not much can get the idea of the plant though lol

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Diana, I think that is a variety of Verbena. Looks like you're having a great year, everything looks awesome!

My camera is on the blink, dang it! The first blooms have opened on my Mimulus cardinalis from Meredith- they're beautiful! ...and much larger blooms than I was expecting :-)

I'm wondering if anyone has had blooms from the large decorative Dahlia seed I sent to some of you. They were mixed colors (purchased seed), and at first I thought they were all going to be yellow, but now I've got a red, pink, and purple showing color.

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Happy Birthday Robin :)) Hope you have a great day and get to do something for your own garden today guess you are busy we haven’t seen much of you here lately!

Wind your flowers and herbs look so wonderful! You are having a good year!

I'm sorry I don't know what I had that year :) It is pretty though you'll have to let me know if you find out I may have had some trade seeds that year there was one year when I was offering trade seeds now I wish I had some lol That's not a bad picture at all it's great! How tall is that plant about 3' maybe? I agree with Neal it looks like some type of verbena.

My neighbor told me today she could barely walk on my sidewalk lol I have about six pots of flowers going down my sidewalk plus daylilies lining it on each side, stepping stones going to the road and snaps that have reseeded there so people walk around them lol

We had storms the other day and it blew my pots off of the front porch! Really really high winds! Broke my beautiful coleus and it was branching out so nicely!

I didn't get any dahlia seeds Neal.

Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

Wind your gardens look wonderful! I'm in awe at how neatly planted all your stuff is. I recognize that plant as Verbena hastata. I have the Verbena stricta I grew from seed, they are very similar but the one I have is supposed to more tolerant of dry soil.
Robin is Gemini right? Well I hope that's right - Happy Birthday to you! Hope it's a great one.
I am so glad you like those Mimulus, mine are just starting to bloom heavily now. It's been a strange summer here so far. Everything is late.
Lea I am so sorry you lost your Coleus! I still have mine in 3.5" pots. They are real pretty, my problem is trying to find a shady spot that I can still enjoy them. I don't have shade in the areas I sit and relax! So they are on my patio rack on the middle shelf, where I enjoy them when ever I am in the driveway, which is quite frequently.
Cheles make sure you get in on another swap so you can fill up all theat empty space. With all the plants I've grown from just the past two swaps would fill more garden space than most people would ever want to take care of! : )

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Meredith I didn't lose my coleus just a lot of stems broke off, they just aren't as pretty as they were, I just poked them down in the dirt out front, I really had some pretty ones this year and I'm going to save seeds once I quit breaking the blooms off I just hope they come true. I have two that haven't gotten any blooms yet I'm wondering if they will all my others have been trying to flower forever do they have any coleus that doesn't bloom I wouldn't think so?

Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

Not sure, I do know that last year I grew Cana indica from seed and the one with the prettiest leaves never flowered. So I didn't get any seeds from the one with that type of leaf. It had red streaks on it. I would guess some of them just take longer to flower than others and it maybe the prettier the leaves the longer they take. : )

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Sounds good to me Meredith :) I just hope to get seeds sometime I'm really not ready for them right now anyway it's too early just seemed a little odd.

I can't believe your canna didn't bloom did you save the bulb to see if it would this year? I'm really sorry I didn't get the dahlia and carnation gold to you I really felt bad about that I'm just now getting to where I could it was too short of a spring around here :)

Do you still want that carnation gold yarrow, I really don't care for mine but I guess I'll let it stick around but I won't let it travel unless I put some in the field even then if it didn't get watered I'm afraid it would look awful you know how yarrow pouts in the sun anyway just imagine a 4' tall one pouting it lays o the other plants and then when it reached it's height I guess it just fell over all together and started coming up in the middle, I've never had one to do that but I haven't had any that tall and I need to look the color up too I thought it was suppose to be a golden color and it was more like paprika, I was very disappointed!

Has anyone else here grown this yarrow? I can't believe how bad I wanted it lol I was just reading about yarrow looking carnation gold up and it says it attracts the predatory wasps don't guess it's a good thing to grow it by the milkweeds I'm gonna have to take it out that's a shame ;-) I'll put some in the field in the fall maybe. I've been so busy I haven't been able to look for the pack I sowed it from I'm just wondering if T&M sent me the wrong seeds, I finally got to plant some Firecracker columbine and it turned out a dark purple with short spurs I was so mad! I'm starting to wonder about my Inula too the petals aren't like the ones in the picture but this was it's first year so maybe they will be by the third or second year but it's still pretty!

Oh Meredith, I noticed I got Verbena hastata (Blue Vervain) from La maybe you got it from her last year as a matter of fact I have some that I transplanted in 2" pots that I haven't gotten in the ground yet and I still have a half gal. milk jug of it lol Got to get those puppies in the ground! They are going in the field I figure they are drought tolerant. I still need to get the Heliopsis helianthoides var. scabra planted in the field too from Critter. I just love those I had some and my neighbor was mowing the field last year once in a while and she ran over them twice at the wrong time I guess and they never came back after the last time.

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Hey Meredith, I'm Neal, and Robin is dryad, she's Leo :-)

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Meredith -- I have the Verbena stricta, and it's very drought tolerant. the other one, the Blue... is pretty - i dont have it, but i don't want/need plants that require moisture. THOUGH -- the swamp MW is doing quite well in my dry conditions.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

New thread.....

Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

Oh my I am confusing everyone's DG names and real names! lol Sorry - maybe I will get it right now! :)
Lea I didn't dig up the Cana because I got seeds from the others that did bloom, they just don't have those pretty red streaks on the leaves. I was planning to dig them up but I got busy and the frost took them out before i had a chance. I was hoping they'd overwinter because they were right next to my pool and I have heard sometimes things next to pools get more warmth from the water retaining heat. But we had one of the nastiest winters on record last year so that didn't help. The strangest thing is I had dug up some glads to save but I missed a few and wouldn't ya know it they overwintered and are blooming! It is the weirdest thing! I guess I just lucked out with those ones. I never did get the ones I saved planted so I'm happy I still have some to enjoy. I can't believe how much stuff I still have in milk jugs and in pots that I had hoped would be planted and blooming already! I have to get a picture of it all so you all can chuckle with me. : )

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

I think this is the first year that I haven't had a bunch of jugs full of seedlings sitting every where for a few years and I actually feel good about it I can move some plants around and I still have plants in pots from last year to get into the ground and only three jugs I think out there with seedlings lol My neighbor told me last year I always start freaking out about this time of year because I don't have them all planted didn't realize that. August is a bear to plant in! I'm just freaking about court now :) I do have seedlings in pots that I transplanted like the gaillardias and some others when someone comes and cleans the tree out in the side yard that was just cut down I'm planting them there.

I lost one whole color of canna just have one with the redish green leaves I think they are pink but I'm not sure just planted them a while back but they are up about 8" and some are still coming up guess I won't get any seeds from them this year it's too late.

Glads overwintering in your area that's wild! A nice surprise!

Yes please show us a picture lol (he he)

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