Mold on Zuchinni Leaves

Homeworth, OH

I don't have a picture, but I wondered if anyone knows what to do with mold on zuchinni leaves. Never seen it before, don't know what to do. Gray in color.

Buffalo, NY(Zone 6a)

Sounds like powdery mildew .... not sure though.

Some say milk diluted in water and sprayed on the leaves will get rid of it, but I have never tried it.

If powdery mildew, the plants might be too damp. Are the plants crowded?

Last year I had a freind that ended up with powdery mildew on squash plants. It came after we had a long period of rain/damp weather.

Homeworth, OH

Yes, the plants are crowded. Will try the diluted milk. Thanks! And we have had damp weather.

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