central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Another Bradford pear bites the dust. Lost one last year, just figured it was a matter of time.
I have another real close to the house that worries me.

Thumbnail by flowAjen
central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Do you think I should take preventive measures on the one still standing and take it down now before it falls down???

Thumbnail by flowAjen
central, NJ(Zone 6b)

What stinks about the last one is that it's creating my shade garden.... NUTS!!!!

Thumbnail by flowAjen
Northumberland, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Classic Bradford Pear behaviour. And a classic example of included bark in the fork, preventing it from forming a strong branch.

Yes, definitely get something done about that last one before it too falls to pieces.


Franklin, TN(Zone 7a)

We planted 30 Bradford Pears in 1995...or I should say my DH did. I don't care for Bradford Pears (because of how easily they break), but DH really likes them so he decided to line the driveway and around the front and other side of the property. Two years ago the electric company wanted to trim a few at the bottom of the driveway and the ones across the lower front yard because the tree limbs were in the lines, but the day they came out to trim I asked if they would just cut the trees down completely and they did! They took care of the stumps and now you can't tell the trees were ever even there. DH wasn't real happy with me when he got home from work that day, but they were already starting to crack and a few had already lost big limbs. In fact, half of one tree cracked and fell as I was mowing under it one day...that was enough for me.

We've also lost a few to wind over the years and after a big storm we had here on Friday, DH is outside right now cutting one down. It didn't fall in the storm, but it's right at the top of the driveway and he parks his company truck under it and I told him if/when it fell, it would smash his truck.

We've got 12 left.....10 of those still line the driveway (5 on each side). We used to have 10 on each side. As they fall, we are not replacing them with more Bradford Pears. They are pretty trees, but just too fragile for me. DH suggested a while back that I plant some of my hostas under the remaining ones. I said no because I'll be moving them when the tree comes down and that will probably be sooner than later.

Sorry for the BP rant, but to answer your question....if I had one near the house, I would cut it down. We never planted any of ours near the house, but I wish we hadn't planted them along the driveway. I get a knot in my stomach when the wind blows. lol

Here's a old picture of the driveway before we started losing so many.

Thumbnail by PuppyKisses
central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Shame, too, cause they are just so pretty!

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Dogwoods... redbud ...

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