looking for : strawberry plants

Middleton, TN(Zone 7a)

Well, I messed around and did not get mine planted in time and they got pushed under a bench in the GH and died there. *&^%!

So I go online looking for some more .. all the nurseries are out of stock this time of year .... and of course my local Wal Mart and Lowe's are out of them , too

So I am looking for strawberries, it does not matter whether they are june bearing, everbearing or day neutral...at this point .... I just want to get some going this year so I can get a harvest of berries next year. I can trade other stuff or pay for them plus postage.

If your strawberry patch needs thinning out , I can sure help you out!!! LOL

Thanks, Sharon

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Sharon... I ust got some everbearing " Seascapes" they haven't started makign runenrs, yet, but when they do if you hven't foudn anybody els e with plants, wil be glad to share some with you.

Greensburg, PA

Sharon, I have a white alpine type strawberry that runs like crazy. It will fill a bed very quickly. Birds do not bother them here. Been looking for a start of Colocasia gigantea for some time. D-mail me if interested.

Bordentown, NJ(Zone 7a)


I have some bareroot Ozark Beauty everbearing strawberry plants still in my refrigerator since they were shipped to me in March. The roots were not kept moist, so their survival might be "iffy." I took a couple out after reading your post and am soaking the roots in water. I will plant them in pots, and if they show signs of life, I can send the rest to you. They would be in their original packaging and number about 25-35 plants.

I do have some strawberries growing in the garden, but how would one go about harvesting the runners and packaging them for shipment?


Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Denise. To garvest and pack the runners, they would have to be roote d first with some little root s on them, then in small baggy woith some moist soil would help them to travel. Without root s and protection of th eroot s they would croak I am afraid.

Middleton, TN(Zone 7a)

That would be great- denise

If they were in the fridge , I would think they are just dormant ...not sure though I will keep my fingers crossed


Plainfield, NJ(Zone 6b)

I have quite a few Alpine strawberry plants if you are interested.

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