New Mandevilla available

San Leandro, CA(Zone 9b)

Such a pretty one too! I am hoping it is very floriferous.

Mandevilla 'Sun Parasol Stars & Stripes'

Thumbnail by Kell
San Leandro, CA(Zone 9b)

Each flower has different pattern of red and white.

Thumbnail by Kell
Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

Jeeze Kell, here ya go waving this gorgeous thing in front of us .. but do you tell us where we can get it? Nooooooooooooooooooooo.

Lol .. yum! .. OK So where can we get it?


PS - Long time no see .. how've you been?

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7b)

Well .. Kell.. another lovely... sure is a new path for flower color for them...
the aborea is doing wonderfully.. in the cool/wet weather we've had... pictures at 11.. thanks...

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

Where'd you find it? I must have one! I hope it was at Armstrong, that way I don't even have to drive very far!

San Leandro, CA(Zone 9b)

HELLO X! Yes, long time no see. How are you doing? How is your garden? Is this the forum you hang out on? I have been just great. My boy was just home, he lives in NYC, so I am even better than great. I so love seeing him. I will be happy about it all month. LOL

A nursery here has them but from what I read the place that has the rights sold them to licensed growers all over so ask at your nursery if they can order them. They really are great looking.
From this it might be awhile to get them unless you have an Armstrong near you.

Hi Gordon. Yes, such a neat color break. It was from a sport.

I can't wait till you smell your first arborea bloom. I think it is the best smell ever smelled. LOL

I have a tray of arboreas now. Why I have no clue. I sent out some boxes too of brugs recently and should have added an arborea to them. Never thought of them.

I bet your rooftop garden is started to look so good!

Yes, Liz. Armstrong! And lots of them. They only have 1 size - 10 maybe 12 inch pot for $29. The store in Novato had many more than the one in Dublin. I wish they had a 1 gallon size. I need to send one to Ada in NC. I hate to send such a big one. Postage has gotten so high. There seems to be 3 plants per pot so I was wondering if mine would take being divided. Oh how I hate packing up plants. It takes me ages to get it together to do it. I am so pathetic. But Ada would have such a thrill and I owe her tons of great things for she is such a doll.

Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

Oh I know you were thrilled to see you son! I think about you often, actually every time I look at my brugs! I always keep that picture of your muddy feet, you posted in my mind after you planted all those brugs a few years ago. I'm in the process of collecting Iochroma species. I have 6 australe coming up.

I don't know if you've ever taken a good hard look at the Solanaceae family, but I've decided to work my way through it with the flowers. There are some incredible genus in that family.

I guess I'll wait till I can get some cuttings for that new mandevilla. I'm still trying to find a double mandevilla.

Great to see you online Kell!


San Leandro, CA(Zone 9b)

You are such a sweetheart X. Sadly my feet always look like that. I have those holes in my garden crocs so the mud gets in and as I walk it goes squish squish thru my toes. My husband can't believe what a mess they usually are. LOL

So which of the solanum are on your wish list? 2 days ago I was out walking thru a seaside reserve with Calif_Sue and we came upon a solanum. I saw one out a bit thru brush that had seedpods so I started to wade in to get some and Sue said I would get covered in ticks. So that ended that. LOL This is the one I think I saw growing wild. There were seedlings all over but only 1 I saw had seedpods.

I have a few solanums that I love. I have most of the ones I have posted in PF.

I had a double mandevilla a few years ago that I paid a fortune for. I finally gave it to Zuzu because I only have room for what I really like. The flowers would die brown and stay on the vine. I hated the look. It was a pretty one though.

I saw another pink kind of double the other day. Moonlight Parfait

Thumbnail by Kell
San Leandro, CA(Zone 9b)

PS funny you mention brugs. I have been so abusive to mine now for 2 or 3 years. I had lost almost all interest in them. Then the other morning, I was looking out and I saw such a dark flower right outside my bedroom window. I went running outside. There were 2 blooming just below my window in 1 to 2 gallon pots. Poor things had been in those pots for 3 years and look just terrible. I had them under my window all this time mainly to protect them from the winter chill. I had never potted them up as they should have been long ago. One was one that to my taste has the perfect form. I thought it had long ago died over winter several years ago. I had no clue I still had a small one of it. And the other was marked best from my growing at a community garden when I rented some plots. So I crossed them! I hadn't crossed brugs for several years. LOL! I may repot them all now. I have about 30 needing to go in big pots. They are so sad looking. Funny how you get caught back up just from the sight of a special one.

This was my dark one. It looked even darker in person. Nice tendrils too.

Thumbnail by Kell
Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

Thanks Kell! I ran by Armstrong on my way home from work and picked one up. Also got a couple cool new Gazanias...and the best thing was I had a bunch of points on my Armstrong card, so I only paid $16 for everything!

Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

Oh my! That is gorgeous! and I know how you love those "whiskers". And if you get back into crossing again .. please come up with one that looks it's best in the day time and not at midnight! I'm at the point with my feet that they won't come clean on the edges no matter how hard I scrub and it's only June! I wear the crocs too .. squish..squish..

I haven't even started on solanum yet .. I've been peeking at cestrum's, anthocercis and the solanum ... this year it's iochroma. I'm hoping to get enough going that I'll have good trading currency next year and got my small lot permit from the dept. of ag so I can import seeds. The iochroma are pretty unknown at the moment so it's hard to find material. I know the australe will be very popular with the brug heads.

It really is wonderful to hear from you again. I don't spend as much time on daves as I used to.

Cedar Key, FL(Zone 9a)

Kell that mandi is gorgeous!

San Leandro, CA(Zone 9b)

Gee, I thought I had posted on this one to Liz and X. Liz, I love it when I get enough points for my $25 until I remember it cost me $500. LOL

I went thru iochroma about 6 years ago. They got too big and floppy for my yard. I should have trained one into a tree. I was forever pruning them severely then decided to get rid of them. I see them around so I get to enjoy them! Same with cestrum. I just love the red one but those get too big too. I am going to have to look up anthocercis, I do not know that one.

HELLO sweet CC! Does this make you mad with desire? LOL

Here is a neat solanum I saw the other day.

Thumbnail by Kell
Cedar Key, FL(Zone 9a)

yes it does
you are just not right........rothflmao

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

X--check for Iochromas, they are sometimes out of stock, but they've got a ton of different varieties. They've got a lot of different Cestrums too. I've given up on the Iochromas--they don't like my winters much. They never completely die, but they are so slow to come back the next year that they don't get around to blooming. Cestrums do great though.

Kell--you might look at Cestrum 'Compact Purple'. I'm not sure how big it gets because mine isn't very old yet, but if the name is true then it should stay smaller than the others.

Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

Thanks for the link .. I've bookmarked it .. way too hot to be sending stuff across country now .. I'll wait and order some when it starts to cool down.


San Leandro, CA(Zone 9b)

You know you love me, CC. Right or not. LOL

Oh X, your yard is so big you can fit so much in. So do you overwinter your Iochroma in a GH?

Look at all of these. You can have a rainbow of them.

So 9a is too cold for them, Liz?

Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

The iochroma will have to be overwintered .. I'm going to have get busy and clear out my greenhouse and clean it .. gonna get rid of the stuff I'm not using or depend on the gh for winter survival .. like all my tropical hibiscus and plumeria. Keeping only what thrills me and a few exotics for trading currency


Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

Our version of 9a is too cold for them--I wouldn't be surprised at all if the southeast version of 9a was just fine for them though (they are generally listed as hardy to 9a). I guess technically they're hardy here since they don't die, but they die back too much and get going too slow for me to want them outdoors (and my GH is already filled up with all my hibiscus, so I don't have room for much else!) I had much better luck with them at my old house in Martinez which was in 9b and also in a slightly wamer Sunset zone than what I'm in here.

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Yes, the Iochromas do well here. I planted one at the SW corner of the house and the thing is past the roof. It makes for nice photos standing underneath though.!

Trust Kell to find the latest cool think...that means I owe ya Kell, I have to top that..but

Thumbnail by rjuddharrison

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