My DH will never dig me a hole again

Troy, NY(Zone 5b)

I got my order from SSV today and I had the holes dug in the back but not in the front. My husband offered to dig the hole I needed in the front. The only problem is the front is a cottage garden with stepping stones and not much bare space. I ended up cringing every time he tried to take a the careful the lilies are loaded with just smashed the malva..........I had to leave.

He did dig the hole then disappeared to the neighbors. (he may be drinking)

Colleyville, TX(Zone 8a)

very funny! poor guy didn't know what hit him!

Marianna, FL(Zone 8b)

Thank you for making me laugh after such a long, HOT day. It's funny because I think we can all relate to this. You'd think that as tough as we ladies are, we could dig our own holes. I actually could if I had a week to dig 18" down in solid hard clay. I was sitting on the deck this evening studying a spot between two very thorny climbing rose bushes where I want a new hole dug for a clem. These stalks could be used as a torture device. I hope that if I ever have a "peeping Tom," that he will choose this spot in which to peep. Then, he would have the same kind of scars on his arm as I do. I don't exactly know whether to prune them early and sacrifice my pretty roses or offer a really good bribe to get the job done.
Bless our poor clem husbands! And, don't worry, he'll come back home.

Troy, NY(Zone 5b)

I would offer the bribe.......and a heavy sweatshirt.

New Dawn? I have a few and the thorns are nasty.

Marianna, FL(Zone 8b)

No, it's Joseph's Coat and Fourth of July. I just haven't been able to wear long sleeves in 95 degree weather with this humidity.

Delaware, OH

sharkey, i wear light long sleeves whenever gardening. it is just too much injury if i don't and more poison ivy and rashes too. would rather be hot than injured!

if my new dawns do well (ust got them this spring) i wil need a suit of armor form the sounds of it!

Tolleson, AZ(Zone 9a)

LOL thaks for a great story. I think I will ahve my husband read this. You should see the looks he gives me when I ask him to do something and then I tell watch where you step, wait go to the left more no your standing on my calla or watch you almost stepped on my lillies oh no!! you just smashed that seedling.
Need less to stay he is never very excited when I ask him to do something in the garden.

Troy, NY(Zone 5b)

I may give him a tough time but he's a peach.

This weekend I want him to cut more branches in the no man's land by the back fence so I have more sun for my roses. I have lots growing back there too.......poor man.

Ripon, WI(Zone 4a)

At least they dig holes for you! My DH carries heavy objects for me. Can't remember the last time he actually stepped into a garden to do any digging! Luckily we have good soil to dig in.

Troy, NY(Zone 5b)

My mom has a new house and therefore a new garden. My poor 69 yo old dad has spent the last few months digging rocks out of clay for my mom's new beds. I sent her rosesbushes and hydrangea and he told me "see what you did now your mom is fretting about where to put them"

I told him just to deal and dig the holes. He laughed and laughed. Poor guy has probably added at least one bed a year for the last 47 years. Love is grand.

I was trying to dig up part of an ornamental grass Miscanthus Silver Feather you wouldn't believe the roots. Ended up asking my DH to finish digging it up he said I need a different tool got an axe and chopped it out. Then I said maybe we should just remove the entire thing he said no just leave it. LOL I will take some grass killer to it to keep it in bounds.

(Zone 4a)

My dh will do what I ask of him but not without a "do you really need me to do that?, or are you sure or can we do it some other time or why the heck do you need more room?" LOL Ahhhhh we gotta love them right? At least he is good at other things teehee!

Troy, NY(Zone 5b) long as he is not to tired from digging holes

(Zone 4a)

LOL true...but usually my dh is never tired from anything else if it involves.........................(shhhh not saying)

Baton Rouge, LA

Here, it's so humid that even long thin sleeves don't help. The heat and humidity make the fabric cling to the arms and then you just end up ripping both the shirt AND your skin! About the only protection when working in the largest rose bed is a heavy sweatshirt, but I would have heat stroke if I tried that anytime past May here. I've just learned to live with all the scars on my arms and legs (and sometimes face). It looks awful, but anyone who knows me knows why I look battered... and the opinions of those who don't know me isn't an issue to me.

Marianna, FL(Zone 8b)

BG, I couldn't have said it better myself. Oh, how I can identify with your humidity. I've had my toddler granddaughter the last few days. She loves to put Bandaids on "boo-boo's" and seemed amazed at how many "boo-boo's" her grandmother has. She ran out of bandaids trying to doctor me and then found those on my legs. I can barely remember the days when I actually looked feminine. But, it's worth it, as I DO love my gardening. The other day, I was watering and almost lost my balance and fell off the deck into one of those monster thorny stalks. Can you imagine the scars I would have had then?

Delaware, OH

sharkey i am seeing you as lucille ball in the clem garden, with long tendrils grabbing you and tripping you! i know you have fun out there, better than mud pies and see saw!

North of Atlanta, GA(Zone 8a)

LOL at the hole digging story. And those of you have "New Dawn", it's a house eater. You will need a good support systemf or it. You will have thousands of buds on it in the spring, once it gets to be around 3-4 year old. I would give those cuttings away when I cut them back in the fall.

(Zone 4a)

Awww Sharkey that is a sweet story about your grand-daughter and your "boo boo's."

Marianna, FL(Zone 8b)

CG, that's funny! Some of these threads are not only informative, but entertaining as well. My grandgirl is back in Tally, so I tried to make up for lost time in garden today with the heat index well over 100. My DH actually dug a hole for me this a.m. before he went fishing because he was worried I would have a heat stroke trying to dig in that clay. I thought I was through planting a month ago, but the addiction hasn't gotten any better.
I looked up your New Dawn rose and it sounds beautiful.

(Zone 4a)

Yup it is a serious addiction. LOL.

Troy, NY(Zone 5b)

The cool spring/summer we're having has just extended the planting season so I just keep planting!

(Zone 4a)

No kidding about the cool spring...we are getting our first heat wave now but we normally get our first heat wave halfway through May....weird. Keep on planting!!! LOL

Troy, NY(Zone 5b)

I did.................bought another Clem today even though I promised my self I wouldn't. Oh well, DH will get sirloin instead of delmonico on Father's Day.

Delaware, OH

i thought last sunday was fathers day...called my dad, he didn't tell me it was the wrong day.......

they should name a clem delmonico..a nice big red clem.

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