Cocklebur Weevil (Rhodobaenus tredecimpunctatus)

Shawnee Mission, KS

Thumbnail by CritterZone_com
Oxford, MS(Zone 7a)

This is a Rhodobaenus tredecimpunctatus - Ironweed Curculio
Not Rhodobaenus quinquepunctatus - Cocklebur Weevil

Rh. tredecimpunctatus is larger (7-11 mm), than the Cocklebur Weevil and the spots do not coalesce, and no melanic form in the Rhodobaenus tredecimpunctatus - Ironweed Curculio.

Reference BugGuide:

Note that it is not recommended to call Rhodobaenus tredecimpunctatus a Cocklebur Weevil it causes confusion and because R. quinquepunctatus is commonly known by the same name.

(Zone 5a)


Usually there is a Report error button on each page, but it's not here for some reason. After a few clicks I found this image with one:
It's on the left side.

The bird and bug files here do not go through the same procedure as plants, so there are bound to be some mistakes. Any plant photo uploaded needs to be approved by someone before it is posted.

I am a bird person, but recently delved into bugs and plants and it seems common names are reused quite a bit. Then it is hard to figure out the exact species since there are so many similarities and on top of that mimic bugs. Birds are so much easier. :)

I could use some cocklebur weevils here. That is one native plant I do not like running into.

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