Summer Blooms in the UMW

Watertown, WI(Zone 5a)

Summer is still over a week away by the calendar, but I'm going to call it officially summer as of now (even though our rather cool temperatures don't seem to agree with me). So, I give you...the summer blooms thread!

I'll kick it off with aconitum. This is the first time I've grown monkshood and I have to say I really love it. It's thriving in my garden and has put on a huge amount of growth since I got it as a tiny little plug early this spring. And the plant is covered in buds! These are just the first of many blooms.

Thumbnail by KaylyRed
Grayslake, IL(Zone 5a)

even though our rather cool temperatures don't seem to agree with me

Yes, what is this Summer of which you speak?

My back bed is a mud hole :~(

Waukesha, WI(Zone 5a)

My monkshood has never bloomed:( and its been there for almost 3 years.........where do you have yours sun/shade or in between?

Watertown, WI(Zone 5a)

Mine is in bright shade with a little dappled sun and maybe a teeny bit of direct sunlight at certain times of the day. It stands about 6 feet out from a very large maple tree, which is to the south of it, and in the shadow of my house. There's plenty of light, but none of it direct. It must really like the conditions, though, because it looks to be a blooming machine as all these buds open.

For what it's worth, my soil is a nice sandy loam and I top dressed with compost at planting time earlier this spring. This plant was about 4" tall tops when I got it, and now it's a good 3 feet tall. This soil is well-drained. I had aconitum in heavy clay at my old place. I planted it later in the year (after it would have bloomed), but I can tell you that it got about 4 hours of sun in that spot, and in the clay soil it just never seemed happy. I'm not sure if it's a sun or a soil thing...or both.

Waukesha, WI(Zone 5a)

Mine gets the very early monrning shade about 8 a little sun then my 11 shade til late afternnon............The soil is well-drained and not really alot of clay. When I ordered it 3 years ago it came as a 2 inch seedling (yeah) Its grown more this year than it ever has and has never bloomed I am so envious of yours.

Watertown, WI(Zone 5a)

That's a bummer. :(

I have no clue what the problem might be. Maybe it's just beginner's luck for me?

Waukesha, WI(Zone 5a)

I'm thinking about moving it over by my Polmonium D'brise(sp i think) Thats blooming nice. The plain green jacob's ladder is where the monkshood is (that bed) and its blooming for me.;
maybe someday:(

Watertown, WI(Zone 5a)

Funny...I have plain green jacob's ladder right next to my monkshood, too. Both are blooming their fool heads off.

Middleton, WI(Zone 4b)

okay. I'm probably in the wrong thread. And should have taken better note along the way. I AM SORRY!

Where is everyone meeting on Saturday? I know Olbrich, but at what time and where. I don't know if I can make it but I want to try.

Been busy lately. Harvey is here now. at 10 wks he needs lots of attention. We garden together. I weed, prune, and mulch. He chomps off the heads of flowers and then makes sneezing noises to get rid of the petals.

Thumbnail by duck_toller
Waukesha, WI(Zone 5a)

awwwwwwww he's so cute though.

Watertown, WI(Zone 5a)

Aw, Harvey is adorable!

The RoundUp thread is here:

Madison, WI

I still have this blue geranium still blooming, can't really see it though. I planted it by Carl Forester from the road side to get more sun, do walk into the road to enjoy it.

Thumbnail by enya_34
Waukesha, WI(Zone 5a)

My peonies are opening

Thumbnail by cececoogan
Waukesha, WI(Zone 5a)

first gaillardia of the season

Thumbnail by cececoogan
Waukesha, WI(Zone 5a)

Potentilla is blooming

Thumbnail by cececoogan
Watertown, WI(Zone 5a)

Is that Johnson's Blue? I like it! The plant I had at my old place was a spread way more than I thought it would and it was bushy and beautiful. I'm going to have to get another one just as soon as I have a spot for it. :)

Madison, WI

It is Johnson's Blue. I bought it because it said "blue" :) Mine is not spreading all that much, but considering where it grows I am happy. It's very dry, but sunny. I planted half of the plant I bought in half-shade and that one is barely making it :(
We are planning on thinning elms out in that area, so maybe next year it will do better.

I love peony and yours are my favorite color! I am walking to work now and stop at every house that has peonies - those are just blooming their heads off right now.

Saint Bonifacius, MN(Zone 4a)

Seems very early for aconitum, but it being a new plant can explain it. I'll bet next year it will bloom later.

Cece, it's Brise d' Anjou.

Madison, WI

It's not a very nice picture but it give you an idea of a depth of color. I waited for this iris to bloom for 2 years. It was supposed to be a black siberian. It is not black but really dark purple and it's a late bloomer for me.

Thumbnail by enya_34
Madison, WI

The name of this siberian escapes me too but I like the ruffles :)
Again 2'd year wait and as you can see it's only one flower. I must be doing smth really wrong.

Thumbnail by enya_34
Madison, WI

This is a no ID for me as I did not mark it when I got it from Maxine at the last year round up. I call it a peakock and love it's variation.

Thumbnail by enya_34
Madison, WI

This one I bought from Ensata last year - one fan and it is still one fan with one flower. But I love the frills :)

Thumbnail by enya_34
Watertown, WI(Zone 5a)

Leftwood wrote:

Seems very early for aconitum, but it being a new plant can explain it. I'll bet next year it will bloom later.

I thought aconitum bloomed in late summer, myself...although I haven't bothered to research. I was surprised when I saw buds on this one. I'm sure this one's had a head start because it was grown in a greenhouse very early in the season. I planted the one that's blooming in mid-April. I added another plant about a month later, and although that one's quite a bit shorter it also has buds. I bet it'll be blooming in a couple weeks.

Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

Ok, I thought this was heliopsis 'Summer Sun' but after looking at other pics in PlantFiles I'm not so sure (I got it from last year). I like it though; it's so cheery, especially with all the clouds and rain!

Thumbnail by jcoakley
Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

And here's my penstemon.

Thumbnail by jcoakley
Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

And I have this gerbera daisy in a pot . . . this bloom came up kind of doubled!

Thumbnail by jcoakley
Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

And here's the corresponding double leaf . . . can anyone give a brief biology lesson on how this would happen?

Thumbnail by jcoakley
Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

Here's one "Lilly" that's always in bloom (unless she hasn't napped), my 3 yo DD! ;)

Thumbnail by jcoakley
Watertown, WI(Zone 5a)

Aw, your bloomin' "Lily" is adorable!

The double bloom/leaf is cool. I've seen photos of stuff like that before, but I know nothing about the biology. (And to think I got A's in biology in high school!)

Madison, WI

Lovely "water" Lily! My Huske Red penstemon had just two flowers opened this morning but three bumble bees already were there to check it out.

Here's what I found on the biology of double flowers, not quite what you have but ....

I hope the link works

Waukesha, WI(Zone 5a)

My Huskers red has loads of buds but not opened yet. I have 6 total, 3 in one bed in the back and 3 in one of the side beds.

Waukesha, WI(Zone 5a)

My poor beginning to bloom gaillardia with I think bell flowers. Don't remember and the tag is long gone. Got these at the roundup last year from Al?

Waukesha, WI(Zone 5a)

forgot to post the picture. That's what happens go directly to send..............

Thumbnail by cececoogan
Madison, WI

Nice! I got one from Al last year too. I hope it blooms as pretty.

Mequon, WI(Zone 4b)

My irises are about halfway done, my artemesia is filling in, and my tiger lilies are growing tall:

Thumbnail by Jeannie63
Mequon, WI(Zone 4b)

My Clematis is really taking off this year!

Thumbnail by Jeannie63
Waukesha, WI(Zone 5a)

Huskers Red pennstemon

Thumbnail by cececoogan
Waukesha, WI(Zone 5a)

Last of the purple iris'

Thumbnail by cececoogan
Waukesha, WI(Zone 5a)

the rain got my peonies all droopy

Thumbnail by cececoogan
Madison, WI

Jeannie, love your bed - there color even without irises blooming. Funny how I have most of the plants but mine are scattered all over. Did you plan the bed this way or changed it over time to get this effect?

cece, I am enojoying your peonies :) There's a house on my way to work where they planted a row of peonies all colors. When in bloom it's a show stopper. But it always rains during their flowering and the plants lay prostrate on the ground after it. It's such a bummer for me every time because I plan my walk to pass that row of flowers in the morning.

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