Transplanting clematis

Appleton, WI

Have you moved a clematis before? I just moved Arabella this weekend and was stunned how quickly the roots grew and how deep they were. I've moved clematis before, but never one with such a big root mass. There are a few roots in the center that we're very long. I didn't dig deep enough.

I'm going to be moving some of my clematis soon. I found the following article that I thought I'd share.

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10b)

Thanks for the link. I hope that Arabella (and you) recover quickly from the ordeal.

Appleton, WI

Thanks. So far, Arabella looks good, but we've had over 2" of rain since the move so everything looks good right now.

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Julia..great link..I've transplanted my clematis while dormant in early Feb and they've done great doing it that way...Jeanne
ps..remember my Febs are much milder than people of colder zones

Appleton, WI

I wish I could have moved them earlier, but it didn't happen. They'll be ok even though they won't look the greatest this year. It will be worth it in long run.

Delaware, OH

the earlier the better. if you are moving into full sun or quite a bit of sun, i would cover with an umbrella, or cheesecloth tent of some sort, for a week or so, gradually letting it go to the full sun. water water water. prune, prune, prune.

Delaware, OH

take some pics of the root mass and the before and after and post? would be interesting if it is a really large clem.

Appleton, WI

I should have taken a photo of the Arabella roots. It went in the ground from a well rooted gallon pot sometime in May or June last year. The center most roots were at least 15 inches long and more because I didn't dig enough.

Delaware, OH

sounds like a great plant.i just put arabella in this year and can tell already it is a good performer!

Appleton, WI

The first bloom is beginning to open. I can't wait to see it again.

I don't think that I mentioned that last year when I planted it, it was blooming. It continued to bloom through summer right up until the first frost.

I'm sure you will love it.

Delaware, OH

when tidying up a garden this morning i realize i had two of them, and one is pretty big. so i may get one blooming this year that i can let bloom and not whack off. first year is all about establishing the plant for me, so i rarely let something bloom for long in the first year. cut it short and cut it back.

Appleton, WI

How many times do you cut a new clem back? Do you make the initial cut, let it grow for a while then cut it again?

Delaware, OH

i prune it when planting, then as it starts growing pinch it back at least 2 times, maybe 3. that is usually it for the first season in the ground. if it is vigorous and blooms then show up, i let it bloom to see what they look like, usually there are only a few. then i prune it back before blooms wane or fall off. when buds form, you should stop pinching and fertilizing.
then next season i prune as indicated for plant and condition after winter of plant. for plants with one or two stems, i am always nipping and tucking until they get some size and more stems on them.
when i have planted in the fall, i prune when planting and ...there is rarely new growth to do anything with . the next year i start out as plant type and condition indicate and then do the same thing, let it bloom and prune after no matter what the type.
pruning before the bloom period is waning really helps plants i think vs getting all spent on more blooms and holding the blooms. you can tell as blooms become fewer and smaller. it is hard to do at times, but when you can do it , it's a good thing in my experience.

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