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Australian and New Zealand Gardening: BROMELIADS IN SUMMER ..2014, 1 by ctmorris

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Image Copyright ctmorris

In reply to: BROMELIADS IN SUMMER ..2014

Forum: Australian and New Zealand Gardening

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ctmorris wrote:
Hi everyone. Well ,Nev, you're nearly back to normal. Great healing. I hope Diane is healing as quickly.. Have had a couple of days taking it slow myself. A few weeks ago while I was cleaning and rearranging some broms I got bitten by something. I didn't feel anything at the time nor that day but the next day it was so itchy and that lasted for about a week and the site got larger and larger til it was bigger than a fifty cent piece. It all went down and stopped itching til last Saturday and back came, the itch and it kept growing. I then suspected that it was a spider bite even though I didn't see or feel anything. Sunday night I vomited twice and felt rather poorly. Monday the site was raised even more and red so made an appointment to see the doctor. I don't know, and she didn't know whether the vomiting and the bite were related. I'm on antibiotics for 10 days but she said if it became worse or I felt ill to come back straight away. I'm guessing it was a white- tailed spider. IIt is starting to go down now and I'm hoping it doesn't come back again. Well that's my saga. lol You should have see Tash's sale of broms on FB last night. What a way to go. I reckon most of her plants were sold in about half and hour. She has one up for silent auction starting at $60 at the moment. Hope she does well with it. Shirley has some lovely ones up for sale too. Hope you do well too Shirley. The boys and I are going to start our Christmas bikkies this weekend. I've bought all the ingredients and decorations so that will get a big job out of the way. Well I hope you're all well and I'll try to get back tomorrow. Colleen.