Photo by Melody

Greenhouse: Time To Haul The Plants, 1 by hcmcdole

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Photo of Time To Haul The Plants
hcmcdole wrote:
Thanks joanic. Keep that four letter word up there, please? HA! I'm so ready for the tropics when winter comes.

I moved most of those plants indoors yesterday and moved the bigger pots under the deck to take their place so they can get as much sun as possible. It has been quite warm here recently (low 80's some days and on the deck with full sun it is often in the 90's). My basement is filling to the breaking point and I still have over 20 trays of plants (each tray can hold typically six plants) in the very back plus several ferns and for drdawg - an orchid still hanging in a beech tree without any soil.

I definitely have to reduce my stock this year and I've been saying that for the past few years yet I continue to buy new plants, propagate older plants, and of course the older plants are often potted up to larger pots. Silly me.

Here are a few of my big pots and the orchid still hanging in the tree.