Photo by Melody

Tropical Zone Gardening: frangipani leaves eaten? can it be saved?, 1 by uglymotherpluck

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Image Copyright uglymotherpluck

Subject: frangipani leaves eaten? can it be saved?

Forum: Tropical Zone Gardening

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Photo of frangipani leaves eaten? can it be saved?
uglymotherpluck wrote:
I found the leaves of our neighbors prized frangipani chewed up and black- she will be livid and probably blame me- I am the landscaper. does anyone know what caused this? Can it be saved and how do I do that? She planted it on a shady side of the building and probably waters it and fertilizes it a lot. I could trim the tree by it that is blocking most of the sun. I didn't find any caterpillars on it- it seems to have happened overnight.