Photo by Melody

Specialty Gardening: Bare Dirt to Cottage Garden (in Pictures), 1 by Wifeygirl

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Photo of Bare Dirt to Cottage Garden (in Pictures)
Wifeygirl wrote:
Thanks for the compliments on Chubby Birdie! It was a gift from the ladies who come to my church's monthly Ladies' Tea. I hold it at my house and they've been watching my garden with interest as it grows.

Pic #1 - Here's a closeup of Chubby for your viewing pleasure! =D The dragonfly is one of my other favorite garden art pieces. It was on top of a garden globe my son gave me for Mother's Day, then he promptly broke it for me. ;-) I kept the dragonfly (they know it's my favorite animal) and now it floats around the garden. My kids move it around and I often find it in interesting and surprising places! The other day he was sitting on the birdie's tail. =)

Pic #2 - Here's the Black Eyed Susan Vine - I love how lush it is getting. Also, I wanted to show the Alyssum that I started from one little sprig from a neighbor's garden. It has grown to this size since planting in April/May, which amazes me! No wonder people have it all over!
Also, how do you like my entry way weed? On the left? I'm almost certain that this is a weed, but it's been so pretty and lush looking that I've been letting it grow.
In the background you can see my ferns, which are mad at me for the summer sun. They get a bit too much to be comfortable there. The Four O'Clocks, though, seem to love it!

Pic #3 - The Nasturtium is back. I planted it in a lot of places in this same bed, but it got very mad at me for the standing water and full sun (apparently a Nasturtium no-no in my area). This clump, however, is on a slight rise and gets some shade. You can also see a bit of the Morning Glory that I planted to climb the bird feeder, but instead it's rambling along on the ground, a photo-bombing zinnia, and various weeds. As you can tell, I'm not a great weeder.

Pic #4 - My approximate view from my bench during my coffee/Bible study/enjoy-my-garden time every morning. Still some bare dirt, but it's greening up!

Thanks again, Analen! I love these Zinnias with a passion. They are such a gleeful riot of color. I've noticed that when they are there, it gives the impression of glorious garden splendor, and you don't notice the fact that the rest of it is the work in progress. Come winter, I think I'm going to be in for a shock - almost NONE of this will stick around. But I figure I'll cross that bridge when I get to it. =D

This message was edited Sep 6, 2014 12:09 PM