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Australian and New Zealand Gardening: Look at me....Look at me....Look at me, 1 by cestrum_SEQ

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Forum: Australian and New Zealand Gardening

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Photo of Look at me....Look at me....Look at me
cestrum_SEQ wrote:
Unseasonal rain here, falling lightly all day, quite lovely. One more week before winter abruptly ends and the HEAT HUMIDITY MOSQUITOES return with a vengeance.
Love the cold brugs. If I had the climate, I'd be growing and hybridising them like mad. So exciting, and such beautiful colours. Spring in colder climates is superb, everything bursts into life. I remember at this time of year smelling Pittosporum undulatum on my way to work in the chilly windy mornings, rugged up with overcoat, scarf and often hat, but knowing that spring was just around the corner. And then there's the brown boronia, just heaven.
Bauhinia, Teresa? I haven't been able to find out if it grows in Melbourne (I assume it does in Sydney), so am a little shocked to hear you might have had it growing in NZ. Can you find a picture online that resembles your tree? I'm intrigued.
Here are two batches of abutilon seeds showing the difference in size (and quantity) you can get. Most seedpods average around 15 seeds, but some have had only one and the largest has been about 70.