Photo by Melody

African Violets and Gesneriads: Afican violets and cats, 1 by melody

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Image Copyright melody

Subject: Afican violets and cats

Forum: African Violets and Gesneriads

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Photo of Afican violets and cats
melody wrote:
Hi everyone, my 85 year old mom has acquired a cat and it has decided all plant life in her house is there for snacking. She's given up her orchids and african violets over the last 2 years and really misses them, but loves her kitty. How do you all deal with this issue...surely there is a way for both to co-exist.

She lives in a condo (ground floor) has lots of great windows and light. I've bought my first AV this year and would love to share with her (an optimara space violet) if we can come up with a workable way to protect it...that doesn't require a hermetically sealed cat-proof room.
Any ideas?

By they way...I love my violet and will probably get it a friend or two before very long...I've just never been a houseplant person, but this little gal blooms her head off and is very undemanding.