Photo by Melody

Hostas: Hostas in Texas?, 1 by virginiarose

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Photo of Hostas in Texas?
virginiarose wrote:
When you grow hostas in the south you need the 'low chill' variey, they can make due with a short dormancy period. The purpose of the pots is to let more cold air get to the roots. Mine have done fine in the ground but I have a few in pots sitting under the trees. I figured if cold air gets to the roots then so would the heat but the ones in full shade do fine.

Here is a great article for anyone trying to grow Hostas in a warm climate, also a good list of Hostas that are low chill dormants.

Choose hostas that have plantaginea in them because Hosta plantaginea (Chinese species) requires no winter chill at all.

H. 'Abiqua Moonbeam'