Photo by Melody

Bird Watching: Dried Meal Worms, 1 by TheHackster

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Photo of Dried Meal Worms
TheHackster wrote:
Chilly, the canned meal worms were never eaten - I ended up throwing them out. Right now I have a batch of live mealworm larvae in the fridge (the fridge keeps them dormant) and have only put out one hand-full for a feeding a few days ago. I put in a few slices of carrots and the mealworms are still alive outside, but I did see a few pupae (the stage before the beetle emerges.) I bought a blue colored mealworm feeder (with the blue glass bowl inside).

pollengarden, I was thinking the beetles would not be able to climb up the sides of the glass bowl. But haven't tried it yet - no beetles have emerged yet, but it shouldn't be too much longer. I have a tupperware container in my den and see lots pupae in it already. When I get beetles, I'll transfer them to another container, where they'll lay lots of eggs. It is after they have layer their eggs that I planned to use those live beetles for bird food. I'm used plain ole Winn Dixie brand rolled oats (like you'd use to fix oatmeal for breakfast) and things are going well in the den.

Here's a pic of the feeder I use for the mealworms.
