Photo by Melody

Mid-South Gardening: It is June let's see the daylilies and everything else !, 5 by marsue

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Photo of It is June let's see the daylilies and everything else !
marsue wrote:
Me, too, Charlotte! Be careful!

thanks for the new thread, Sandra. :D
I said on the other thread how sorry I am that Mary's cancer has returned. Prayers for her and for Amy, Genna's friend.

I totally agree about the water drinking and the NO CARBONATED DRINKS!!. I have been trying to convince Kathy Ann for several years that she should swear off soft drinks. My daughter has been teaching these things for years to her health and wellness clients. Also, if you want to lose weight, one of the best ways to do it is not to eat protein and carbs at the same time. Eat protein and veggies or carbs and veggies together but not protein and carbs. It has something to do with how the body digests food and it is hard for the body to handle carbs and protein at the same time. If you don't believe it, just try a little experiment. You know how it is the custom to eat a steak, baked potato or fries and a salad together? Well, leave off the baked potato or fries and see how much better you will feel. (no bread with that meal, either). You may be surprised at how much better you feel afterwards--you won't have that stuffed, overly-full feeling. If you want a baked potato, eat it without any kind of meat and have steamed veggies with it, instead. You can get your protein at another meal.

I love all the daylily photos. I only have about 4 and none of them have bloomed yet. I got them from you DG girls at one of the RU's in Sept. 2012, I think.

Summer has arrived here. It has been very humid and the temp made it up to 90F today. The ticks are out in full force, too, unfortunately. I have Laddy on Revolution and Nexgard. He was on Trifexis but I had a terrible time getting him to swallow that huge pill. I cut it up in small pieces and disguised it in ham or cheese. He would eat the ham or cheese and spit out the Trifexis pieces so the vet switched him to Nexgard.

I have a huge hollyhock that is loaded with buds. Some of them are opening and it is going to be gorgeous! The buds to the center of the stalk opened first. Here are a few photos I took yesterday: