Photo by Melody

Tomatoes & Peppers: Seed-Starting Day, 1 by Ozark

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Forum: Tomatoes & Peppers

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Ozark wrote:
Keith, I'm glad the Sweet Ozark Orange seeds I sent produced good plants for you. I'll look forward to pictures and further reports when you have them.

But, I'm confused about your "pickled pepperoncini" question. We lived in California before we moved back to Missouri, and in my experience most every supermarket in both places has pickled pepperoncini in jars. They're always in the pickles section, along with pickled 'cukes, olives, and so forth.

I haven't bought any pepperoncini pickles since I started pickling and canning my own (mine are better!). But, I sure could - in any market. Incidentally, unlike commercial brands, I pickle mine when about half of them are red-ripe - I think the flavor is better that way. I suspect the big companies pickle 'em green because the peppers transport better that way or something. They taste better when red.

But as far as availability, well, maybe I misunderstood the question. Our most common pickle brand here is "Mt. Olive", but I think maybe "Mezzetta" pepperoncinis are more widespread since we see that brand here too - though they're produced in California and are common in the stores there also.