Photo by Melody

Lilies: B&D 'scratch and dent sale', 1 by DonnaMack

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Photo of B&D 'scratch and dent sale'
DonnaMack wrote:
Oh, I don't know...we have a corgi here too and we blow kisses at each other all the time. And two adorable children regularly walk by with a whippet, and allow me to pet her. She looks up at me with the most beautiful eyes. I have a theory that dogs know who the dog people are, because our body language cries out.. nice puppy!.. even if the dog is ten.

I grew up with a lovely dog that looked like a brown German shepherd. We got him when I was six and I was lucky that he lived until he was 19, so I could come home from college and walk him. I could never figure out why so much of his fur was brown and why he outlived most German shepherds. He was half collie, half German shepherd! So gorgeous. Lovely temperament.

Next year will be interesting for me plant wise. There is, well, was, a huge Bradford pear in front of my house. Gorgeous in the spring. A branch broke recently, and I brought out a fabulous arborist to have a look. Yep, it had the same weak crotches that make the darned things split. And some rot at the bottom. So I just had it taken out yesterday. I took such good care of it that it produced tons of fruit that got smooshed into the sidewalk. And I would have had to prune it anyway because it was too close to the power lines. And pruning it cost more than removing it!

The replacement? I found a paperbark maple, which was the tree that I had to leave behind that I loved the most. It's coming tomorrow. Ad it's a much smaller tree. So that all the plants in that bed, along with the roses, peonies and lilies, will get more light.

I always like to think of a loss as an opportunity to do something different.

The bloom was spectacular, but see the power lines?

Also, see the structural flaw where the split would emerge?

So, the replacement - a paperbark maple that I had before, except that this one is multistemmed.

Perfect for the site.