Photo by Melody

Lilies: B&D 'scratch and dent sale', 1 by DonnaMack

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Image Copyright DonnaMack

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Forum: Lilies

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Photo of B&D 'scratch and dent sale'
DonnaMack wrote:
Oh my goodness. I could no longer resist and ordered five martagon albas from Old House Gardens at 40% off. He noted that he sent me 7. It's really 8. With shipping, it was $38.00. This is a picture of them on a ten inch terra cotta pot bottom.

The amazing thing about this is that I ordered three of them, as well as 3 martagons (the red ones) many years ago. He was out of the white ones, so I happily grew the red ones but lost them when I moved to my new house. I can't believe I have these. There is a place in my yard where there was only hostas left by the previous dwellers because they said that nothing would grow there. Thrilled by the challenge, I installed mature bergenia plants I'd grown from seed, mertensia, geranium Bevan's variety (gifts), wintergreen (a fun experiment in soil prep that worked), and ornithogalem nutans nutans.

I think these will go there, but nicely away from the wintergreen, since I had to lower the ph where they are, and martagons, I understand, prefer alkaline soil.

Whoo hoo! I feel like a kid in a candy store. I should probably wish for a pot of gold, because I might get it. With the kindness and generosity of a number of people, my garden has undergone a huge transformation in less than two years.