Photo by Melody

Australian and New Zealand Gardening: SPRING AMONG OUR BROMELIADS..., 1 by bromishy

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Forum: Australian and New Zealand Gardening

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bromishy wrote:
Hi Everyone!

Hi Cody hope your well, thanks I had a fantastic time with mum and she just rang me to say she received the big parcel in the mail I sent her that was full of bromeliads and orchids so she will be busy the rest of the week potting them up and making room for them in her shade house. Thanks pleased to be back up and threading with you all again and getting back to some normal routine around the house and garden as with us being away so much it made it hard to be able to do everything. Yeah Cody, Alex will be home soon!!!

Hi Nev yes the year is flying by ever so quickly with Christmas just around the corner.

Nev it’s horrifying to see on the news on all the bushfires everywhere, my heart goes out to everyone affected. The sky you described does not sound like a good sign at all and I pray that everyone will be ok and get out before it is too late.

Nev the birds taking up habitat at your place sound lovely and sound like they are part of your family. We have a Sun Bird nesting in our nursery and Kookaburras nesting in the Paper Bark Trees in the Wetlands that we really enjoy watching.

Nev thanks pleased to hear I was missed here on the forum; I really missed chatting with you all. I must admit though it was nice to get away from gadgets for a while, so when we went away for a few days here and there we left the laptops at home which was great and we truly got to relax and unwind.

Nev we have Paper Bark trees in the wetlands behind our property so maybe I can try the flour glue with the Tills and paint them on somewhere easy for me to reach and check? Nev could I also peel some of the Paper Bark and attach it somewhere on one of the trees in our garden and try growing them there until they can attach themselves to the tree, at least then I have easy access to them to spritz them every couple of days? I really only have the Avocado and Mango Tree to use and at the moment the Till’ that burst all the seeds was attached to the Mango Tree and it is very happy there. Thanks Nev that would be great if you could take a pic of the ones successfully growing at your friends place.

Nev thanks for the info on your Neo. ‘Cheery Day’, although not registered the name is very fitting don’t you think as it is a very cheerful and colourful looking brom.

Hi Bree, hope your well, nice pics of your Gympie Neo’s showing great colouring.

Hi Jean I just spoke to mum and she said it is raining and cold her way and she has the heater on and misses our weather but not the mozzies and sand flies (as we live by the sea).

Jean your vrieseas should love it in the green house especially if it is warmer for them there; so hopefully they do well there and you should get some great colour out of them.

Jean thanks for the offer to us all regarding swapping Epiphyllums for broms until you get broms to swap. I have never grown Epiphyllums but like the look of them so could you please keep me in mind for a cutting or two when you get some spares as their flowers are breathtaking and they come in so many different colours. Would they handle the weather here in NQ OK?

Jean unfortunately I don’t have Neo. Medallion but I adore the look of this brom and have had it on my want list for some time now but my list is long and it’s sort of listed in the middle of the list LOL. I like the look of its stacked layered leaves and the way it flowers and kind of reminds me of Neo. Reverence that is top of my Wish List so if anyone has this one could you please let me know as happy to buy or swap. As for Bills I do not have very many of these and it is something I want to collect more of as not only do they add great colour to the garden but they also add a bit dimension in the garden having some tall one’s in there amongst all the Neo’s etc.

Jean that’s a pretty picture of your Bill in flower, it must be very happy in that spot by the looks of things.

Hi to anyone else looking in or on the sick list.

Take Care and Happy Gardening!


Random new pics of the back garden: