Photo by Melody
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Perennials: My Favorite Blue In the Garden...What's Yours?, 1 by Pfg

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Image Copyright Pfg

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Photo of My Favorite Blue In the Garden...What's Yours?
Pfg wrote:
Our stone sculpture was built by a lovely guy we met at a local fair. He had several cairns (his word, originally Scottish) on display. We were charmed by them... And him. Since then, besides building our cairn, he's repaired several of our stone walls, built a base for a cement birdbath, and adapted a stone wall to hold a charcoal grill. I have no idea how he secures the stones, so far, so good :-)

Beautiful lilies!! Too bad about the least you got to see the blooms for a minute first. All the rain went around us. I'm so glad I have my irrigation system in place, at least for the neediest areas. I had the tower going all weekend for anything else that might need a drink.

I find Sharpies fade before the end of the season. I use pencil on vinyl blinds, or for more permanent markers, Ptouch laminated labels on Zinc markers.

Today just as we were leaving, I saw the the first Platycodon bud was nearly open... No time for a pic :-(. But it's sooooo pretty! It should be great by next week! I did get a shot earlier of the Veronica Sunny Border Blue blooming. It's nearly the same color as the Salvia Victoria Blue I bought as filler. You can see the remnants of 2 out of the 3 Delph Bellamosum that I broke while planting them. I'm jcurious to see how much growth they put on this summer, and if they return next year. In the pot is Clematis Arabella (non-vining). I gave a big dose of Electra (fert for blooms) to the Plumbago in the blue pots. Boy, are they stingy!

3: Hydrangea Endless Summer, no blooms last year. If she'd done that again I would have yanked her... But now that she's behaving she can stay:-)