Photo by Melody

Hummingbird and Butterfly Gardening: DAILY PICTURES #103, 1 by mellielong

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Photo of DAILY PICTURES #103
mellielong wrote:
1. Orange-Barred Sulphur - we had a male and female and she was laying eggs and he was trying to entice her but it wasn't working, LOL! They were also all over the white pentas for some reason. But this one is checking out a vinca.
2. This poor male Monarch was basking. I had two male Monarchs that kept getting into fights with each other. I took the handle on my net and broke it up; I don't know what was going on. At first I thought it was a couple mating, but then I saw they were both boys so I was like, what the heck?
3. Some kind of skipper. This skipper kept landing on people, including me. One guy had it in his beard, one little girl carried it around for minutes. I've never seen a skipper so keen on people. It was weird!
4. White Peacock - this guy was on my porterweed when I pulled in the driveway. It was starting to rain but it didn't seem to care.