Photo by Melody

Canadian Gardening: What's up in the garden?, 5 by June_Ontario

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Photo of What's up in the garden?
June_Ontario wrote:
I never thought of horseradish as an ornamental, just something to avoid eating, but it looks quite pretty! Lovely roses and peony, too, Caroline.

The following pics are:
1. The original Verbascum phoenicum variety that I planted, with violet flowers.
2. Verbascum seedlings flowering a year or two later. The peach-colored ones I think result from the original plants hybridizing with yellow-flowered Verbascum thapsis, which grows wild around here.
3. David Austin rose 'Tamora'. It's struggling. Every year it suffers some crisis - such as being browsed by deer, cut back by a hard freeze, hit by drought, or defoliated by caterpillars - so it's only about a foot tall, but it still manages to flower.
5. An unidentified wild rose. Why don't the deer eat this one, instead of 'Tamora'?
6. Rosa rugosa 'Scabrosa'. A horrible-sounding name for a rose that's not at all scabby.