Photo by Melody

Accessible Gardening: Practical Matters for Physically Challenged Gardeers #16, 1 by Amargia

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Photo of Practical Matters for Physically Challenged Gardeers #16
Amargia wrote:
Looking forward to the amaranth article. We have 'Hopi Red', 'Giant Golden' and "love Lies Bleeding' growing, but this is our first year with amaranth. The Giant Golden variety is doing especially well for us.
It is comforting to know that we are not the only ones that have trouble keeping up with what is planted where . We did finally come to a decision in the "to label or not to label" debate. Since Amargia is a multi-user garden and we all have different areas of garden interest, labeling is a must for us. Although, if we ever get around to doing that formal garden we keep talking about, I'm sure the labeling debate will surface again. We are still looking for the perfect labeling system, but we have learned a few things.
Block letters written in paint pen work best.
If using labeling tape for print or Braille labels, we have to use a super glue sort of stuff in addition to what is on the back of the tape. The peel-off sticky isn't enough to keep the label on in a humid climate. (Man, I hate working with that glue, but I haven't come up with an alternative.
If using recycled plastics for labels, not all plastics work well for the job.
Completely ignore that interior voice that says, "I can remember." and the one that says, "I'll do the labeling later." Slowing down to do the labeling is our biggest problem.
I listened to that interior voice when it told me to keep on with what I was doing. I could get one of the others to put print labels on the pots later." As a result, I gave away some seedlings at the local RU that only had a Braille label. Luckily, Jim has picked up a rare knack for a man with normal vision. He can read Braille by sight. He was able to translate a photo of the Braille label. That had to be a first. ROFL.
There was an attempted break in at the local vet's office. The would be thief was going for the animals meds it is assumed. Most thieves know to avoid houses when there is a dog in residence. Who in their right mind would try to break into a place with dozens of dogs in residence. There is a person around 24-7 to look after the animals at our vet's office. I think that is true for all vet's offices and animal clinics.. Anyway, the dogs raised the alarm and the person looking after the animals that night called 911. Nothing was stolen. Fenny is okay and recovering well from the surgery.
I caught myself humming "Summer Breeze" several times yesterday. It got into the mid-90's, but the wind made it tolerable. Best of all it seems to have blown the gnats elsewhere. YES!!!.
Have you had a good Father's Day, Paul? Instead of making Jim the German chocolate cake this year, Nadine bought him German chocolate cake flavored ice cream. He is very happy with that.