Photo by Melody

Canadian Gardening: What's up in the garden?, 5 by June_Ontario

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Photo of What's up in the garden?
June_Ontario wrote:
After days of muggy, buggy heat and frequent, violent thunder-squalls, today's cool-down came as a great relief. I took a stroll around the garden and then ventured off into the woods (carrying a big stick in case I met the bear that has been sighted a few miles away). Pics are:

Ajuga repens 'Golden Glow'. I've had bad experiences growing purple-leaved Ajuga varieties, which disappointed either by losing leaf-coloration after the first flush of growth, or by becoming too invasive, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that 'Golden Glow' will behave better.

Arisaema triphyllum (Jack in the Pulpit), growing wild in a wooded valley.

Dicentra spectabilis. One of the common names for this plant is Lady in the Bath. Detach a single flower, turn it upside down, gently pull the side petals apart - and the lady stands up in her bath tub.

Dicentra spectabilis 'Alba'. Possibly my favourite white flower.

Viola pubescens (Yellow violet), growing wild on a walking trail in the woods. This is the only violet that I have been able to identify with any degree of certainty, as none of the purple ones match the descriptions in my wildflower reference book.