Photo by Melody

Bulbs: The Big bulb show starts off in the Front Yard Bed. , 2 by newyorkrita

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Image Copyright newyorkrita

Subject: The Big bulb show starts off in the Front Yard Bed.

Forum: Bulbs

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Photo of The Big bulb show starts off in the Front Yard Bed.
newyorkrita wrote:
The very front left side yard that is off the sidewalk. My Kaufmanniana Showwinner tulips started blooming out front there. I am very excited to see that that entire section is really comming together to put on the spring show and look like I envisioned when I was planning and planting.

The daylilies put on the summer show. Roses, TB Iris and lilies at other times. And last fall I really worked on adding to the spring show.

There are two rows of daylilies running along the front of this garden along near the stacked stone wall. You can see the daylily folliage in this more closeup view. Later the folliage grows more so you can't see the spaces between the clumps so much. Anyway, along the second row of daylilies the Showwinner bulbs are planted between the daylily clumps. In the first row the humilis violacea bulbs are planted between the daylily clumps. Between those two rows of daylilies groupings of Firespray tulips are planted.

Immediatly in back of both rows of daylilies are 200 mixed early tulips. That runs the entire length of this garden. In back of those early mix in running along the mid garden and directly in front of the Belgium Block mini terraces are 100 parrot mix tulips.

The Belgium Block mini terraces have daffs in the middle and daylilies at each end. Rembrant tulips planted between the daylilies at the right end, Bunch Flowering tulips between the daylilies at the left end.

And some crocus just stuck along the middle of the bed for some extra color. You really need to embiggen the picture to see what I mean.

There are at least 600 tulips in this section alone, along with lots of daffs.