Photo by Melody

Florida Gardening: My first raised bed garden for vegtables, 1 by jamibad

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Photo of My first raised bed garden for vegtables
jamibad wrote:
I also wanted to post updated picture's of the gardens so far. I went back to the beginning of this thread, and looked at what I already put on here, an am so amazed at the progress my DH and I have done so far. Amazing! I was looking at the tree line behind our property in the first pictures I posted, and the trees were still pretty bare, and in the new picture's they are a little more greener than than. I still have 3 more rows to get finished, 1 row of corn, and the watermelon need to go in along the fence, this is the "in-ground garden" on the other side of the yard, from the raised beds, in these picture's. The first picture in the back ground is 2 rows of corn, to the right of that, 2 more rows are going in, with the help of some friends, and my DH, I'm trying to keep up with everything, and my a few of my friends are wanting to help, for obvious reasons,lol, and in the front of the picture are 2 squash, one on each end, and in the middle cucumber plants. I'll do a half a row beside these plants, as this is one of the entrances to this part of the garden, and the gate swings in, so I only have a half of a row here to finish. The second picture is of the outside of the fence, I put a bagavilla in here, a "very little one" hope it grows fast, lol, some morning glory's to climb the fence, and some marigolds to keep the bugs at bay. The 3rd picture is a row of cucumbers, back along the first 2 rows of corn, and where I'll be putting corn seed in, I wasn't sure which was to be planted first, but these cucumbers had to get into the ground, and than the freeze came, I had them covered, that's the sheet beside them earlier in the day as I was preparing for the frost. Today, I don't think they'll make it, looking rough around the edges, but I have more in the Gh, so they can be replaced if they don't make it. The corn will go into this row with the cucumbers, and the next 2 rows of corn will be to the left, of this row, with bush beans as a companion plant. Marigolds will be inter-planted through out this whole area. Also, watermelon will go in to the left also, but my picture's don't show that area yet. Everything has been tilled more than once, the soil has been ready, I just need to get it done!