Photo by Melody

Specialty Gardening: Trees in Containers - a Discussion, 1 by Lily_love

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Lily_love wrote:
Al, many thanks on the lesson on root-bound conditions. I've over the years learned some pointers how the environment alters ways that plants behave. Now, I'm gaining new experience with other factors such as soil, air-movement, and 'room to grow'. Some of the very basic, but so essential to plants' health.

hellnzn11. How high is the ellevation where you're? Do you get snow and hard freeze in the winter? Brugs are root hardy here, provided that we provide enough sun light which is essential for them to bloom. Too much shade in the garden (like mine) are problematic for brugs. Not only they refuse to bloom, but are susceptible to root rot over our mild and wet winter. I have noticed my neighbors' sunny sites where they have their brugs. Theirs, die back to the ground each year, but come back with re-newed vigor each spring and seldomly fail to bloom. Once they bloom there are hundreds of blooms, instead of a few scattered blooms compared to those that are being kept in pot culture. I said all that to return to the point of discussion of root-bound theory.

New questions; how and when to prune Juniper? I was told by the street- side vendor that this is a 3 year-old "Japanese Juniper" and when I asked about its temperature range for optimal growth? I was told 35F. to 105F degrees. (that's helpful so I know when to take precaution for freezing weather ect.) I am unable to differentiate between procumbens and horizontalis species. In any case, I was instructed to repot/root prune yearly in each spring. Am I lead to the right path in caring for this tiny "tree".? Thanks in advance Al.