Photo by Melody

Central Midwest Gardening: Oct. 2012, here is Fall, another mild Winter?, 1 by shortleaf

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Photo of Oct. 2012, here is Fall, another mild Winter?
shortleaf wrote:
Hi happ! Welcome back to the nasal cavity of Missouri! Yeah, the temperature she is dropping a bit I think. I've been helping to organize my friend's house lo' these many years and actually there is 3 of those carts here but only that one has been cleared off and dispatched to a better setting like the garage. They've been used for household storage for a while here. They do offer a lot of storage in the house but there just comes a time when you have to realize they are probably not best utilized in the living space. Now, to get the one out of the kitchen and one out of the dining room! I'm not knocking my friend for using them, they were a good solution for storage for a long time, they just belong, ummm, out of sight. I'm more than happy to help, I have been unintentionally the beneficiary of such spanking nice cart(s)!
Here is what that same cart used to do in the foyer nearly 4 years ago. - Oh cool, I like the stair-step effect you describe for the racks, maybe I'll do that someday.