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Australian and New Zealand Gardening: TEA ROOM #113, 1 by 77sunset

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In reply to: TEA ROOM #113

Forum: Australian and New Zealand Gardening

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Photo of TEA ROOM  #113
77sunset wrote:
Good morning everyone.
Still in grey days here. I wonder where Spring went. It popped in for a day or two then ran off.
The way the weather is changing by the hour here, I would not be surprised to see Summer stick his big head in all too soon.

I weeded a bit yesterday and sorted the zygo house . I have sold a few so now have room to put the cold brugs in there for summer.
I also pulled out a lot of violets which seem to go mad here. I needed more space and air around my hippie pots so now I will have to watch those sneaky violets dont take over again..

Hello Al. I always forget you are behind us over there and put up birthdays etc a day early.
Never mind, it gives us all more time to eat all the cake.

Charleen, we may have to come and visit you again to see T Bo in person for a cuddle .
I donr know about Cocky, he can be a bit bossy.
Anthony will have to teach him not to bite poor Tilly when Dianne brings her along.
I'll have to see what Carpet is doing . I havent seen him lately.
I have a feeling he has wandered off to see rellies in Egypt or somewhere.

Hello Anthony, Cocky is certainly looking very well. You really spoil him .
Hope you are being surrounded in lovely lilium plants.
Looking forward to seeing you win lots of prizes again this season.

Chrissy, one of the best things about this time of year is the scent which floats around the garden.
The tiny alyssum flowers are so l sweet when massed together. The scent drifts around everywhere.
Now I await Jasmine to do her thing .

Dianne, I am coming down to "borrow "your azaleas.
I am going to try again this year with them.
I will only use rain water on them and see how they do.

Hello Moon, Kare, Teresa and everyone popping in for a cuppa.

Hers your treat for morning tea. ...Baklava..

A sweet nibble as a change from all that birthday cake we have just consumed..
Happy day and keep safe.