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Australian and New Zealand Gardening: TEA ROOM # 112, 1 by 77sunset

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In reply to: TEA ROOM # 112

Forum: Australian and New Zealand Gardening

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Photo of TEA  ROOM  # 112
77sunset wrote:
Good morning everyone.
The sun is shining. I will be out & about today getting things done while it lasts.
Hubby says the forecast is for cold & wet on Thursday. Shopping day , of course. Who knows, it could stay like this instead.
I have pups to take off broms and seeds to get going in the greenhouse. Lots of repotting to get through as well.

Charleen, T-Bo is certainly growing into a chubby fellow. He is so cute.
That is a beautiful butterfly. We have pretty ones up north , but down here most are the Monarchs .
I do see some very pretty smaller ones in light blues & greens.
Hugs for Charley and his mates.

Moon, I see on the news here that the US has has its hottest year , I hope the Fall brings welcome respite from the heat.

Al, you will be able to enjoy your trip all over again with all the photos.
We look forward to hearing more about your home area.

Gabi, I see our wattle birds are back here again. The poor little honey eaters will be chased once more.
Funny thing is that the wattle birds only seem to annoy the honey eaters. Probably to do with having the same food supply.

I like to sit quietly on one of the many seats I have around the garden, All sorts of birds come around and visit.
Its lovely to see the tiny wrens and finches back again after being chased away by the B*** cat.
Because they usually nest low, the nests were being ruined and the eggs broken.
We have a few that always like to flit around the veranda looking for spider web for the nests.

Chrissy, I am one of those odd Aussies that doesnt like the beach.
Never been a fan of swimming or sunning on the sand. I like to visit the coast for the scenery, but not to live there.
Give me the bush and inland any time.
I must be a throwback to the hunting & exploring ancestors.

Hello Teresa, Dianne, and Anthony.

Time I put out some morning tea nibbles, then moved myself outside while the sun shines.

Try this yummy Chocolate Coffee Cake...

Happy day