Photo by Melody

Perennials: What new plants have you just put in the ground?, 1 by DonnaMack

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Image Copyright DonnaMack

In reply to: What new plants have you just put in the ground?

Forum: Perennials

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Photo of What new plants have you just put in the ground?
DonnaMack wrote:
Did you see this thread?

Leawood Gardiner knew a couple who were reducing inventory, so their peonies are (it's still going on) 50% off. I needed peonies for semi-shade. I love big buxon doubles but Steve gave me Burma Joy - which is an early single and blooms in the shade! Here it is this May. I actually took it out of the pot during a mild day in December and installed it. It bloomed to the same level as it had in the ground. I was really pleased.

So I went down theii list and found Burma Midnight, another early blooming red that will work in shade, and ordered two of them.

$22 for two. Whee!

I have heard tremendous things about Gilbert Wild. I remember looking through their wonderful selections.

And, oh wow, they have a sale too! Look at these prices!

Oh, oh!
