Photo by Melody

Australian and New Zealand Gardening: BROMELIADS FOR NOVICES & ADDICTS JULY & AUGUST 2012, 1 by works4me

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Image Copyright works4me


Forum: Australian and New Zealand Gardening

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works4me wrote:
Hi everyone, hope you are all having a good weekend.

Sue, I know exactly what you mean by getting side tracked in the garden … it happens to me all the time. I agree with Nev on not painting the laundry tub, I like the au naturale look as well. Good luck with your bridge building … and you got breakfast in bed … lucky you. Is that succulent an aeonium ‘velour’

Wendy, hope you and Jen enjoy your Brom Society meeting. And good luck with your new Honda CRV too.

Nev, those are nice pics of Vr Galaxy on the BCR, I especially like the albo marginated one. And yes, I do know better than try to move heavy things by myself but I didn’t ask Michael for help ‘cos he has a bad back !!! Mine is actually not too bad today … I have been using the wheat pack and that helps. I have been seeing a physiotherapist a couple of times a week for a painful right hip and have another appt on Monday so will have to have her work on the back injury too. Your neo ‘Rosella’ is a beauty.

Bree, I can relate to what you said about how you can’t buy just one brom … it’s to save postage, right :o) … that’s my story and I’m sticking to it.

Karen, yes, we saw the abc gardening show tonight about the Catlans gardens. We rarely get down as far as Jacobs Well but certainly looks like it would be worth the trip … maybe one day !!

We did a rather severe pruning (more of a massacre really) in the front garden today. Mind you, when I say we, my part was directing and supervision only. It looks a bit sad at the moment but in a couple of weeks it will start to take off and look so much better.

Hope to get to the market in the morning … need another brom fix.

Bye for now, Shirley

Pic is neo Bobby Dazzler