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Australian and New Zealand Gardening: BROMELIADS FOR NOVICES & ADDICTS JULY & AUGUST 2012, 1 by weed_woman

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Forum: Australian and New Zealand Gardening

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weed_woman wrote:
Morning all, you can get off the men now! heh heh. You are right, Tash, Woo would have had a field day! I hope you don't get too much sun in with the golden cane trim. I'm going to clean mine up soon too, but might wait until after the comp. I'll get any other things done first, and if I have time I might tackle it. There are about 12 large clumps to clean up! I'll go check around and see if any of my Neos are starting to flower, and maybe I'll have some pollen you'd like. Will message you on FB if anything comes up.
Nev, I think Russ sells Hula girl on EBay, and has a nice picture as the gallery pic. Thats the only place I have seen it before, and always thought it would be a nice one to own. Its windy here still, and overcast. I'm not sure if its safe to go out and pick up branches, so I'll leave it awhile, and also leave the pots that are down, as they will only blow over again.
I hope we get those foliage vrieseas in our Big W, but it will probably be V. gigantea or fosteriana, which I have in my collection already. It seems that only the usual varieties turn up in department stores.
I have an Aechmea coming into flower that you sent up. It was one you said the Bower birds had stolen the label from. Once the flower is up I'll send you a pic. It has the pointed foliage like Mary Brett, so it might be the same as the one in your pic?
morning Shirley. You must have the same taste in Neos, as me? I have Neo. 'Camelot' and a Neo. olens x 'Manoa Beauty' which I have been told resembles Neo. 'Gold Fever'. Nice photos there for us. I'm not familiar with N. 'Megan' but I have a couple of similar ones, without an ID, that might be just that. I guess I can start there first.
I was in Sydney over the weekend, and was pleased to see the hotel I stayed at had Vriesea 'Splenreit' in large pots in the foyer and restaurant, so I got my brom fix. We went on a harbour cruise with dinner, and despite the rolling seas and bitter, wet winds, it was great. We partied with the younger ones till the wee hours and then paid for it the next day, with a seven hour drive home! Luckily, I didn't drink, so was tired, but clear headed. Sydney is very scarey at night, with groups of young men everywhere, and some of them are very heavily tattooed about the face, as well as carrying an aggressive attitude with them. I don't think
I would go there again at night, and wonder that tourists go there at night at all? Maybe there are worse places?
Anyway, things to do. I hope everyone starts the week feeling better than the week past.

This message was edited Aug 13, 2012 9:35 AM