Photo by Melody

Central Midwest Gardening: August 2012, very hot and very dry., 2 by shortleaf

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Photo of August 2012, very hot and very dry.
shortleaf wrote:
I was thinking about doing some tax-free shopping but I can't really think of anything to buy, I'm afraid the days of my Trapper Keepers and Superman lunchboxes are over! lol Altho, today my friend asked me what kind of lunchbox I want for school Monday and I said, "one shaped like a school bus", which I had when I was a kid! Maybe I'll convince my friend to buy a laptop, she needs one.

That is some nice chickens there. Those are some dastardly fires in OK., Crit. I saw on the news, witnesses said a guy was throwing burning newspaper out his truck window maybe, they are considering foul-play in Luther, OK.
Yeah, a little too close to your house, how unnerving, that's close, sure hope the fire doesn't move your way overnite or something. That is some misery for sure. - Maybe you should get the water hose on your roof before nite? Just thinking out loud, but do stay safe Crit, DH and pets too.

Here is my 3 tiered birdbath, I painted about half of it, it's a little darker of a gray than I wanted but it's better than the way it was. - There's the Yellow Water-Iris back there in the silver can that I got from happ, I keep them in water. I'll find another place for them since I turned the watergarden into a raingarden. Actually, that silver trashcan has always been used for something else, mostly plants, never trash! lol

I cut a SpiderPlant baby and put it right in a hole with the big plant, I thought I'd try that, here it is in the photo. - It's the baby in the middle, with the roots close to the rim of the basket.

Man, I wish it would just rain already! It keeps getting all ominous looking and gloomy out but it doesn't rain! I keep hoping it will rain so I don't have to do the soaker hoses by the foundation but it never rains!
At least I didn't need my sunglasses earlier when I forgot them!


This message was edited Aug 4, 2012 7:42 PM