Photo by Melody

Australian and New Zealand Gardening: TEA ROOM # 111, 1 by 77sunset

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Image Copyright 77sunset

In reply to: TEA ROOM # 111

Forum: Australian and New Zealand Gardening

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Photo of TEA ROOM   # 111
77sunset wrote:
Good morning everyone.
No rain as yet this morning , but very cold.
I am getting lazier & lazier doing nothing because of both the rain and my darn shoulder.
I will end up looking like a big old hippo.
Roll on summer so one can get rid of the winter wrinkles.

Al, I hope you all enjoy the day.
Flying kites is something so many seem to enjoy.
Hope the weather is kind for you.
I like your tomato plants . Lovely & healthy.
I am looking forward to getting mine going.
Its the first time I have ever used the hanging bags to grow anything.

Glad you had some rain Anthony.
Yes , its a shame the cold comes with it though.
But what would the bulbs do without their cold hibernation period ?
We just have to grin & bear it all.

Lovely painting Sue.
I can see you having chickens running around in the spring.
Your hens must think they are in chook heaven in that lovely yard.
Lucky you have the egg laying area hidden from the crows.
I have seen crows go right inside a long covered chook run to find eggs. They are a most innovative bird.

Hello Colleen. Nice to see you are getting better slowly.
I know how hard it is when hubby gets so bad with his back.
Keep resting and enjoy a bit of pampering by others.

Teresa, how are things over the ditch ?
You must have all your house as you want it by now. Have you redesigned any of the garden at all. ?
Hope Sugar is not leading Copper astray there.

Dianne, are you getting all the rain too ?
Your brugs are looking good.
Give Tilly a pat for me.

Charleen, Where is Charley ?
He hasnt been to see me for a day or two. I suppose you have given him some nice fresh hay.
Abigail still comes to leave me an egg. Dear little thing she is.
I hope the weather is being kind to you. I see awful storms on the TV.

Moon I hope you are also away from the storms and not so hot either.

Hello everyone else popping in for a cuppa.
Here is something to nibble with your cuppa. ......Walnut Cinnamon Loaf with Coffee Icing.....

Enjoy the day and keep safe