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Australian and New Zealand Gardening: BROMELIADS FOR NOVICES & ADDICTS JULY & AUGUST 2012, 1 by weed_woman

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Forum: Australian and New Zealand Gardening

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weed_woman wrote:

Hello again
Hi Bree, Yes Leo is one of a pair of Staffys. we have mother and Son. I don't know why Lily missed out on the photo, because usually where there is one, there is the other. Your red broms are gorgeous. I have a Treasure Chest looking lovely at the moment too, an inheritance from Leisa.
Karen, the 'so called' irrigation expert was a disappointment. He talked over me very rapidly when I was trying to explain the set up, then told me to use what has worked in the past, so I ended up with micro jets again. I just thought there might have been a ore efficient way to get water to the benches, as I try not to water the aisles, which encourages weeds. Anyway, it is installed, but I haven't turned it on yet. I also put taps in each section so I can adjust them individually, and I haven't't added the micro jets to one section untill I see how it works on the others. I discovered the hair dryer makes putting the fittings together much easier, just direct the heat at the pipe for a few moments then push the fittings in.
I am attaching most of the shade cloth today, and then removing the old timber. I left them up so I had something to stand on while attaching the cloth.
Nev, sorry to hear you are under the weather. just go with it and do nothing. Rest and fluids! Thanks for the pics of Jacks Vrieseas, and if any of you get down near Port, try to go and see him, as there is so much variety, and Jack is very happy to share his knowledge in bromeliads and their breeding.
Shirley, glad to hear your long day was exactly that and not something more sinister. We had a bit of a storm last night, I wonder if it was the same one travelling south? looks to be a nice day again, so fingers crossed. The Glenreagh timber fest is on today, so Hopefully they will get good weather. I quite liked your mix of pots, and didn't think they looked untidy at all. I've just recently started to mix my collections, and now have orchids, succulents and bonsais together in the one area. I'm afraid I don't know what your Billy might be, but it has nice spots! I have a few and one or two might be similar, but they can have such different coloring when grown differently.
I'd better get up and start my day. Happy gardening weekend everyone, and get well nev!
pic is cleared out fernery