Photo by Melody

Specialty Gardening: My flowers, city property, 1 by kiseta

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Image Copyright kiseta

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Photo of My flowers, city property
kiseta wrote:
I am nice to the kids, because if they get mad for something, I can wake up to a destroid garden. I live in a old section of the town. When I bought the house in 2002, lots of houses around me where geting fixed and upgrated, so I tought this was a upper moving neighborhood. Well the other owners rented the houses out to the Section 8 government housing agency. Now I am surrounded by unrully families with lots of kids. Slowly I see the police is cleaning out the drug users and I am hopeful that the neighborhood will shape up and I won't have to think of moving out. I love my house and I can afford to live in it, plus all the work I put in I would not be happy in other house for my old age. Even my good neighbor (I tought he was) just got picked up for cooking meth. It is a crazy world, but life is still good and I hope for the best. I do not give up to eazy.