Photo by Melody

Clematis: Clematis in shrubs, 1 by Pfg

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Photo of Clematis in shrubs
Pfg wrote:
Good rule of thumb. Maybe eventually HH can go between the plants on top of the wall, or in an opening in the box hedge where the roots will get more light.

You're right, I'm fixated on these Clem's now. But once they're all in somewhere, I have to move on... Soooo much to do! I know it's the same for all of us... Of course I did see a blooming Rooguchi I today when I nt to pick up more manure. I may just have to have ONE!

So now, back to the Azalea area... I decided to have Venosa Violacea climb up the Pieris. It turns out there are huge slabs of rock where I thought it would look good, so it may have to stay in a container of some sort forever. For the time being, though, the one it's in is big enough. I draped euonymus over the pot until you can barely see it. To fill the hole in the shrubbery I put Johnson's blue geranium, will go with Rozanne already nearby but be taller, and added Sizaja Ptitsa. A work in progress...