Photo by Melody

Clematis: Clematis in shrubs, 1 by Pfg

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Photo of Clematis in shrubs
Pfg wrote:
THis is the pot with Hagley Hybrid in it. I went out today and drilled 1/4" holes a few inches apart about 1" up from the bottom. Water spurted out each time I broke through the pot. That should take care of the drainage. The pot is actually smaller than I thought, more like 8" but it should still be ok for a while.

I haven't figured out the best place for it yet. The DL's are pale yellow/white, the Heuchera is white autumn blooming, the astilbes are pink, the rose is the Fairy. There will be Butter and Cream Nasturtiums across the front, and lime and white Nicotianas.

I thought the pale pink of HH could be lovely climbing into the peonies and DLs on top of the wall, and maybe drifting into the low hedge next to them. There is also a barrel which will be planted with mainly white and blues. Ideally I would put HH on the lower level in the corner behind the astilbes, but I'm afraid it might be too dark there. In the past I've made the mistake of planting in too much shade, expecting the plant to reach for the light, but instead it sulks. Or maybe I expected too much too soon?