Photo by Melody

Clematis: Clematis in shrubs, 1 by Pfg

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Photo of Clematis in shrubs
Pfg wrote:
Thanks! There's still a chance the other one will come back from the root, but she replaced it immediately. There was a new person helping with the packing, and the plants were quite dry when I got them. The new one arrived just moist enough.

I'm keeping my eye out for supports that will fit in, especially your thoughts about wrought iron, vintage posts, etc. Right now everything is very weathered and authentic, and I like that a lot, but as things fill in inspiration may move in another direction... Who knows??

This noid may be a Montana, but I'm not sure. It had been under a small evergreen for a year and didn't do much. Last year I decided it was probably too dark and weedy there, so I brought it out into more light. It's a south- facing wall, but there are a lot of tall trees and shrubs which filter the sun quite a bit. There was a good clump of Saponaria in front of it which I thought would shield the roots, and I gave it a good layer of mulch. This spring I decided to put a climbing rose there too, New Dawn, and it went in last week. The rose was planted with granulated manure, compost and mulch, and I spread some around the whole area as well. There's an old chain that goes up, along the top of the whole wall and down again. I'd like to really use it, so if the Clem is a Montana, that would be great.