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Clematis: Clematis chat: Success without effort, 1 by pirl

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Photo of Clematis chat: Success without effort
pirl wrote:
That's a Japanese clematis, Haizawa. I've been told it will never come to America but I can dream, can't I?

Carolyn - the bells do have such charm. I love all clematises and feel like Annie from Oklahoma - "I'm Just a Gal Who Cain't Say No, I'm in a terrible fix...".

sm - you have gold on your hands with the horses! I've also planted clematises in shallow holes and had them grow anyhow but I credit the compost for their survival. While walking around the gardens yesterday I did see growth this year on Ilka.. Last year there was nothing so I was sure I had lost it but never removed the stone marker. I've learned if I remove the stone the clem will always come back and I may not remember the name of it. Mrs. Yuki is either dead or playing games. How annoying!

I enjoyed your phrase, "I'm a big outdoor person". When I'm stuck inside due to the weather I feel as though I'm imprisoned and find myself looking out windows just to reassure myself that eventually I will be outside again.

Though I do have Princess Diana, I also have Duchess of Albany. Both have pink nodding flowers but DoA grows better and is a much more generous bloomer than Princess Diana. They're only about 25' apart and get the same sunshine so it must be either the plant or something I haven't figured out yet.

1. Ilka
2. Princess Diana
3. Duchess of Albany