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Australian and New Zealand Gardening: BROMELIADS FOR NOVICES & ADDICTS APRIL 2012, 1 by splinter1804

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Forum: Australian and New Zealand Gardening

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splinter1804 wrote:
Good morning everyone,

I have a pretty busy day ahead of me today, an 8.00 am appointment at hospital with the cardiologist for an angiogram which is being done to see if there is anything going on in my heart which could be causing the painful swelling in my legs and feet that limits my walking so much. Hopefully they’ll find what’s causing it and be able to do something about it.... fingers crossed.

If I suddenly vanish from these forums unexpectedly it will mean that my old computer has died. It’s been doing some strange things lately and getting slower and slower and I think it will have to go to the computer doctor for a check up in the very near future and it seems that I may be following Shirley down the same path towards a new computer.

Karen – Nice of you to drop in to say good day on your way to the doctors. I hope everything goes well for you and you get a good report.

Colleen – Gee that Bird’s Nest Fern travelled surprisingly well didn’t it? The plants look good now they have been potted up, but it’s a pity you ran out of light when you took the pic’s as we can’t see the true colours very well. The Sun King ‘Red Form’ is quite striking with its bright red centre, but it does have rather savage prickles, a feature that a lot of growers (not me) seem to like.

I’ll bet the boys will be busy at school telling all of their friends about their big camping adventure and I’ll bet they have a captive audience.

I spent the afternoon yesterday dead leafing all of the brom’s on the benches in the shade house as I went though checking and recording the names. What a job that turned out to be, much more time consuming than I first thought, anyway there’s still a lot more to do so I guess they’ll just have to wait until tomorrow.

Shirley – Pleased to see you have got your computer sorted out and can get back to normal. No doubt you will find the new version of Windows will be easier and faster once you get used to it but it seems you’re like me and don’t deal well with change. It seems we just get used to using one Windows programme and along comes an updated version and we have to learn all over again. I guess that’s the price we pay for modern technology. I read somewhere that by the time we buy a new computer, it’s already obsolete because the speed of technology and inventing new systems and programmes is so fast.

I think we all decide at one time or another not to buy unnamed brom’s, but there is always “that one” that jumps up and hits you in the eye and you can’t resist. Although it’s good to have names for all of your plants, there are still some very beautiful plants that are unnamed and just because they don’t have a name doesn’t make them of a lesser quality. In fact I’ve occasionally seen brom’s win prizes in shows while just carrying the name “Neoregelia Hybrid” and that’s all.

You have my sympathy Shirley, there’s nothing I hate more than needing to fast before a blood test or procedure. I love my big Aussie “brekkie” every morning and feel like I could “kill” until I get it, so I know just how you feel.

Well that’s about it from me this morning so now for a few more pic’s. Pic 1 shows two plants I commonly get confused, Neo 'Orange Flush' and Neo ' Orange Delight', Pic 2 is my Vr. 'Red Chestnut', Pic 3 shows how to get the maximum use from minimum available space. Pic 4 is Neo, 'Lovely Lady' and Pic 5 is another little seedling from my Painted Lady [sport] parent.

All the best, Nev.